Non-SIT Supplier and Agent Qualification Testing Subgroup (SAQTSG) Information Requests

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Forward Migrations and Change of Agent Test Cases

Code Bodies are asking Suppliers to provide information and clarification on the operation of their systems for forward migrations and on Change of Agent (CoA) Test Cases by 17:00 on Friday 6 September 2024.

This request supports the Qualification Testing Team to prepare the Qualification Testing Framework.

Please see below the questions that the Code Bodies are requesting responses for:

Your system's operation for forward migrations:

  • Will you be batching migrations in your production systems?
  • Do you process multiple CoAs simultaneously, or handle them Meter Point Administration Number (MPAN) by MPAN?

Your Change of Agent (CoA) Test Cases

  • What limitations do you have in your Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems for the earliest effective date to carry out a Change of Data Service and Change of Metering Service? 

Please respond by emailing 

Meter Point Administration Number (MPAN) Data Request Extension

Code Bodies have requested example MPAN information from participants to support MPAN Data production.  

Below you can view the spreadsheet of MPAN Template Data that the Qualification Testing Team have prepared using current, available data. 

MPAN Template Data August 2024

Please see the following guidance for the MPAN Template Data document:

  • The Qualification Testing Team do not have any example MPANs for the MPAN Types in red font - this data is completely fabricated.
  • Where the Qualification Testing Team do have example MPANs, there are still fields with missing data. These fields are currently blank, and can be differentiated from those holding value <null> which are intentionally null.
  • The columns highlighted in yellow will be populated by the Qualification Testing Framework (QTF) with unique values per MPAN Core record (unless populated with <null> which are intentionally null).

Please provide production example Data Transfer Catalogue (DTC) flows containing MPANs of types specified above to enable the Code Bodies to use realistic Meter Technical Detail (MTD).

To prevent any General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) issues, please do not include the MPAN Core itself, the final 13 digits of the MPAN. The RED X identified MTD Flows are the outstanding MTD Flows required.

Please respond by emailing 

If you have any questions about these requests, please email the Code Bodies at 
