Qualification Approach and Plan


The Qualification Approach and Plan (QA&P) applies to all participants that are required to complete MHHS Qualification, whether they plan to undertake testing through the Systems Integration Testing (SIT) or Qualification Testing (QT) route.

The QA&P sets out the purpose of MHHS Qualification during the MHHS Programme and the high-level plan and requirements for Programme participants to undertake in relation to the Balancing and Settlement Code (BSC) and Retail Energy Code (REC).

The QA&P is supported by four Annexes:

  1. Annex 1: Non-SIT Licensed Distribution System Operator (LDSO) MHHS Qualification Testing Approach - this Annex was issued with the QA&P consultation in January 2024 and approved in May 2024. A Non-Functional and Operational update to Annex 1 was issued in July 2024 for consultation.  
  2. Annex 2: Non-SIT Supplier & Agent MHHS Qualification Testing Approach - a Non-Functional and Operational update to Annex 2 was issued in July 2024 for consultation.  
  3. Annex 3: New Entrant Non-SIT LDSO MHHS Qualification Testing Approach - this document will be drafted after Annex 1 and 2 are baselined to ensure alignment. The first draft is expected to be issued for consultation in Autumn 2024.
  4. Annex 4: Non-Completion of Qualification - this Annex was issued with the QA&P consultation in January 2024 and approved in May 2024.

Qualification Approach & Plan (v3.0), Annexes 1 & 2 (v2.0)

Following the consultation in July 2024, the following documents were approved by the Qualification Advisory Group (QAG) on 22 August 2024 and the BSC and REC Performance Assurance Boards (PABs) on 28 August 2024:

  • Qualification Approach & Plan (QA&P) v3.0
  • QA&P Annex 1 v.2.0
  • QA&P Annex 2 v2.0

You can view all these documents and the Consolidated Comments Logs from the consultations in the respective libraries below.



Qualification Approach & Plan: Annex 4

The MHHS Programme and Code Bodies published the Qualification Approach & Plan (QA&P) Annex 4: Non-Completion of Qualification for industry consultation. This document sets out the market sanction process under the Balancing & Settlement Code (BSC) if a current Programme participant fails to complete MHHS Qualification in line with the MHHS Programme Plan. This document is applicable to all participants no matter their qualification route. 

The consultation closed on 14 February 2024. Thank you to all participants who submitted comments or confirmed review of the QA&P and Annexes.

You can view the QA&P Annex 4 document and the Qualification Approach & Plan Annex 4 Consolidated Comments Log in the Annex 4 library below.

This document was approved at the Qualification Advisory Group (QAG), BSC and Retail Energy Code (REC) Performance Assurance Boards (PABs) in March 2024.

If you have any questions about the QA&P, QA&P Annex 4 or general QA&P and Non-SIT Supplier and Agent queries, please email the Code Bodies at MHHSQualification@elexon.co.uk and qualification@recmanager.co.uk  

If you have any questions on QA&P Annex 1, please email the MHHS Programme at LDSO_QT@MHHSprogramme.co.uk    

Qualification Approach & Plan

Short Name Doc Number Subtype Theme Version
Qualification Approach and Plan Consolidated Comments Log MHHS-DEL2205 Approach and Plan Qualification Approach & Plan v1.0
Qualification Approach & Plan MHHS-DEL1118 Approach and Plan Qualification Approach & Plan 3.0

Qualification Approach & Plan: Annex 1

Short Name Doc Number Subtype Theme Version
MHHS Qualification Approach and Plan Annex 1 v1.2 Consolidated Comments Log MHHS-DEL2870 Supporting Document Qualification Approach & Plan Annex 1 1.2
Qualification Approach & Plan Annex 1 MHHS-DEL2183 Approach and Plan Qualification Approach & Plan Annex 1 2.0

Qualification Approach & Plan: Annex 2

Short Name Doc Number Subtype Theme Version
Qualification Approach & Plan Annex 2 MHHS-DEL2433 Approach and Plan Qualification Approach & Plan Annex 2 2.0
Qualification Approach and Plan Annex 2 Consolidated Comments Log MHHS-DEL2205 Approach and Plan Qualification Approach & Plan Annex 2 v1.0

Qualification Approach & Plan: Annex 4

Short Name Doc Number Subtype Theme Version
Qualification Approach & Plan Annex 4 MHHS-DEL2215 Approach and Plan Qualification Approach & Plan Annex 4 2.0
Qualification Approach & Plan Annex 4 Consolidated Comments Log MHHS-DEL2207 Supporting Document Qualification Approach & Plan Annex 4 1.0
Qualification Approach & Plan Annex 4 v2.0 (Red-lined) MHHS-DEL2215 Approach and Plan Qualification Approach & Plan Annex 4 2.0