Non-SIT Supplier & Agent Qualification Testing Test Scenarios & Test Cases


Non-SIT Supplier & Agent Qualification Testing Migration Test Scenarios

Migration Qualification Testing Test Scenarios and Test Cases

The Migration Qualification Test Scenarios and Test Cases for Non-SIT Supplier and Agent Qualification Testing consultation closed on Friday 14 June 2024. Thank you to all participants who submitted their comments. 

This list contains all Migration Test Scenarios and Test Cases selected by Code Bodies for Non-SIT Supplier and Agent Qualification Testing and no further batches are expected.

The Test Scenarios and Test Cases were approved at the Qualification Advisory Group (QAG) on 18 July 2024.

You can view the red-lined version of the document and the Consolidated Comments Log below:

Non-SIT Supplier & Agent Qualification Testing Migration Test Scenarios v0.2 red-lined

Non-SIT Supplier & Agent Qualification Testing Migration Test Scenarios Consolidated Comments Log

If you have any questions, please email the Code Bodies at 

Batch 1: Qualification Testing Test Scenarios for Non-SIT Suppliers and Agents Consultation

On 18 March 2024, the initial list of Qualification Test Scenarios and Cases for Non-Systems Integration Testing (SIT) Supplier and Agent Qualification Testing was published for consultation. Batch 1 contains the core list of Test Scenarios in scope. This consultation is now closed. Thank you to all participants who submitted comments on this consultation.

On 25 March 2024, the Code Bodies walked through Batch 1 of the Non-SIT Supplier & Agent Qualification Testing Functional Test Scenarios to support participant queries. The recording from this session is available ion the Collaboration Base.

Batch 1: Non-SIT Supplier and Agent QT Test Scenarios

The document was approved at the Qualification Advisory Group (QAG) on 23 May 2024

If you have any questions, please email the Code Bodies at and



Batch 2: Qualification Testing Test Scenarios for Non-SIT Suppliers and Agents Consultation

The Qualification Testing Scenarios and Test Cases for Non-SIT Supplier and Agent Qualification Testing Batch 2 consultation closed on 19 April 2024. Thank you to all participants who submitted their comments on this consultation.

The Batch 2 list contains further Functional Test Scenarios and Test Cases identified to provide coverage across the Balancing & Settlement Code (BSC) and Retail Energy Code (REC) Assessment Criteria for Non-SIT Supplier and Agent Qualification Testing.  

You will notice that there are additional tests listed which are not currently part of the SIT Functional Test scope. The Programme and Code Bodies are working through where these tests may already be covered in existing SIT Test Cases to assess the scope of any additional SIT test requirements over and above the currently published SIT baseline. We will then work together to agree a mechanism to meet any additional test requirements, and share with participants.

Alongside this work, the Programme and Code Bodies are reviewing the requirements to Test Cases mapping for Qualification Testing. The outcome of this exercise may result in a small number of additional Test Cases being released as Batch 3. We'll communicate any further information about Batch 3 content as soon as possible.

Batch 2: Non-SIT Supplier & Agent QT Test Scenarios

The document was approved at the Qualification Advisory Group (QAG) on 23 May 2024

If you have any questions, please email the Code Bodies at and

Qualification Functional Testing: Shared and Replicated Test Cases and ID File Mapping

As part of the scoping exercise of the Non-SIT Supplier and Agent Functional QT coverage, some examples were found where no SIT Test Case existed in Azure Dev Ops (ADO), e.g. for Shared Steps Scenarios and for Replicated Market Segment Cases.

The Non-SIT Supplier & Agent QT team have created Excel versions of these Test Cases. This doesn't represent an increase in scope. The Excel versions provide the underlying detail and can be mapped to the Scenarios in the approved QT Functional Test Scenarios Batches 1 and 2. 

For Non-SIT Supplier & Agent QT, all Test Cases will be created and executed within the Qualification Testing Framework (QTF) but the Excel versions provide a reference point for participants to understand the content of the test ahead of QT.

Code Bodies have published the Shared and Replicated Test Cases and ID Filename for Mapping to SIT Functional Test Scenarios and Test Cases, to be used in conjunction with Batches 1 and 2 of the Non-SIT Supplier & Agent Functional Qualification Test Cases.

Please see the ID Filename Mapping document below:

ID Filename Mapping

You can view the Shared and Replicated Test Cases in the respective libraries below.

If you have any questions about these documents, please email the Code Bodies at and   


Theme 1: Non-SIT S&A Functional Test Cases Shared Steps

Short Name Doc Number Subtype Theme Version
QT-020 MPAN Load Shapes in Estimation Advanced n/a Approach and Plan Non-SIT S&A Functional Test Cases Shared Steps 1.0
QT-010 Change of DS Unmetered Single n/a Approach and Plan Non-SIT S&A Functional Test Cases Shared Steps 1.0
QT-009 Change of DS Traditional Related n/a Approach and Plan Non-SIT S&A Functional Test Cases Shared Steps 1.0
QT-018 Change of MS Traditional Related Mult n/a Approach and Plan Non-SIT S&A Functional Test Cases Shared Steps 1.0
QT-012 Change of MS Advanced Related n/a Approach and Plan Non-SIT S&A Functional Test Cases Shared Steps 1.0
QT-016 Change of MS Smart Single n/a Approach and Plan Non-SIT S&A Functional Test Cases Shared Steps 1.0
QT-011 Change of MS Advanced Linked n/a Approach and Plan Non-SIT S&A Functional Test Cases Shared Steps 1.0
QT-007 Change of DS Traditional Single n/a Approach and Plan Non-SIT S&A Functional Test Cases Shared Steps 1.0
QT-014 Change of MS Smart Linked n/a Approach and Plan Non-SIT S&A Functional Test Cases Shared Steps 1.0
QT-006 Change of DS Smart Single n/a Approach and Plan Non-SIT S&A Functional Test Cases Shared Steps 1.0
QT-015 Change of MS Smart Related n/a Approach and Plan Non-SIT S&A Functional Test Cases Shared Steps 1.0
QT-017 Change of MS Trad Linked n/a Approach and Plan Non-SIT S&A Functional Test Cases Shared Steps 1.0
QT-003 Change of DS Advanced Single n/a Approach and Plan Non-SIT S&A Functional Test Cases Shared Steps 1.0
QT-004 Change of DS Smart Linked n/a Approach and Plan Non-SIT S&A Functional Test Cases Shared Steps 1.0
QT-013 Change of MS Advanced Single n/a Approach and Plan Non-SIT S&A Functional Test Cases Shared Steps 1.0
QT-022 MPAN Load Shapes in Estimation Unmetered n/a Approach and Plan Non-SIT S&A Functional Test Cases Shared Steps 1.0
QT-005 Change of DS Smart Related n/a Approach and Plan Non-SIT S&A Functional Test Cases Shared Steps 1.0
QT-019 Change of MS Trad Single n/a Approach and Plan Non-SIT S&A Functional Test Cases Shared Steps 1.0
QT-023 MPAN Settlement Advanced Data Service n/a Approach and Plan Non-SIT S&A Functional Test Cases Shared Steps 1.0
QT-025 MPAN Settlement Unmetered Data Service n/a Approach and Plan Non-SIT S&A Functional Test Cases Shared Steps 1.0
QT-002 Change of DS Advanced Related Multiple n/a Approach and Plan Non-SIT S&A Functional Test Cases Shared Steps 1.0
QT-001 Change of DS Advanced Linked n/a Approach and Plan Non-SIT S&A Functional Test Cases Shared Steps 1.0
QT-024 MPAN Settlement Smart Data Service n/a Approach and Plan Non-SIT S&A Functional Test Cases Shared Steps 1.0
QT-021 MPAN Load Shapes in Estimation Smart n/a Approach and Plan Non-SIT S&A Functional Test Cases Shared Steps 1.0
QT-008 Change of DS Traditional Linked n/a Approach and Plan Non-SIT S&A Functional Test Cases Shared Steps 1.0

Theme 2: Non-SIT S&A Functional Test Cases Replicated

Short Name Doc Number Subtype Theme Version
QT-183 New Connection - Smart n/a Approach and Plan Non-SIT S&A Functional Test Cases Replicated 1.0
QT-195 MPL Address Update - Advanced n/a Approach and Plan Non-SIT S&A Functional Test Cases Replicated 1.0
QT-193 Historic Meter Removal Rejected - Advanced n/a Approach and Plan Non-SIT S&A Functional Test Cases Replicated 1.0
QT-189 Energisation REGS Rejection (REC1019) - Smart n/a Approach and Plan Non-SIT S&A Functional Test Cases Replicated 1.0
QT-176 Change Linked To Different Suppliers - Advanced Export n/a Approach and Plan Non-SIT S&A Functional Test Cases Replicated 1.0
QT-179 Change of Supplier, MS and DS - Traditional Import Export n/a Approach and Plan Non-SIT S&A Functional Test Cases Replicated 1.0
QT-182 Change Lapsed Appointments - Unmetered n/a Approach and Plan Non-SIT S&A Functional Test Cases Replicated 1.0
QT-177 Change of Supplier and DS, no change of MS - Advanced n/a Approach and Plan Non-SIT S&A Functional Test Cases Replicated 1/0
QT-191 Linked Disconnection - Traditional n/a Approach and Plan Non-SIT S&A Functional Test Cases Replicated 1.0
QT-187 Smart LDSO Energisation n/a Approach and Plan Non-SIT S&A Functional Test Cases Replicated 1.0
QT-181 Change of Supplier, MS and DS - Smart Related n/a Approach and Plan Non-SIT S&A Functional Test Cases Replicated 1.0
QT-184 Advanced Metered Exchange of Customer & PSR Information n/a Approach and Plan Non-SIT S&A Functional Test Cases Replicated 1.0
QT-197 Related Addition - Smart n/a Approach and Plan Non-SIT S&A Functional Test Cases Replicated 1.0
QT-180 Change of Supplier, MS and DS - Advanced Related n/a Approach and Plan Non-SIT S&A Functional Test Cases Replicated 1.0
QT-178 Change of Supplier, MS and DS - Smart Import Export n/a Approach and Plan Non-SIT S&A Functional Test Cases Replicated 1.0
QT-192 Smart to Smart Connection Type Change Meter Exchange updates not sent Triggering Invalid Market Segment Advisory n/a Approach and Plan Non-SIT S&A Functional Test Cases Replicated 1.0
QT-196 Related Removal - Advanced n/a Approach and Plan Non-SIT S&A Functional Test Cases Replicated 1.0
QT-198 Import Export Linkage Addition - Advanced n/a Approach and Plan Non-SIT S&A Functional Test Cases Replicated 1.0
QT-194 Advanced Meter MAP Rejection n/a Approach and Plan Non-SIT S&A Functional Test Cases Replicated 1.0
QT-201 Legacy Info Update - Advanced n/a Approach and Plan Non-SIT S&A Functional Test Cases Replicated 1.0
QT-185 Change of MS and DS followed by Change of Existing Appointment - Advanced n/a Approach and Plan Non-SIT S&A Functional Test Cases Replicated 1.0
QT-199 Import Export Linkage Removal - Smart n/a Approach and Plan Non-SIT S&A Functional Test Cases Replicated 1.0
QT-190 MS Failure - Unable to Action - Advanced n/a Approach and Plan Non-SIT S&A Functional Test Cases Replicated 1.0
QT-200 Import Export Linkage Addition different suppliers - Advanced n/a Approach and Plan Non-SIT S&A Functional Test Cases Replicated 1.0
QT-186 Advanced Credit MS Energisation n/a Approach and Plan Non-SIT S&A Functional Test Cases Replicated 1.0
QT-188 Energisation REGS Rejection (REG1002) - Advanced n/a Approach and Plan Non-SIT S&A Functional Test Cases Replicated 1.0