Code Artefacts

Over the past 18 months, the MHHS Code Workstream has released several tranches of Code Artefacts for industry consultation.

The Code Drafting Plan which you can view below, provides an overview of the Code Drafting activities and timeframes, with updates provided through the Programme newsletter (The Clock) and through Programme Working Groups. 

Code Drafting Plan

Following each consultation, the Programme’s code drafters reviewed and responded to consultation comments. The Consistency Check Artefacts were cross checked to ensure that all Design requirements were correctly translated into the Balancing & Settlement Code (BSC), Retail Energy Code (REC) and Distribution Connection and Use of System Agreement (DCUSA). 

The Consistency Check Artefacts were finalised and presented to the Code Drafting Working Group (CDWG) and Cross-Code Advisory Group (CCAG). The CCAG approved the Artefacts on 21 August 2024. These are published on the Finalisation of Code Artefacts page of this website.

You can view supporting and control documents from the Code Artefacts Consistency Check page of this website by scrolling down to the Controls library.

For transparency and audit purposes, you can access the historic tranches of the Code Artefacts from the relevant links below:

If you have any questions, please email 
