Code Topic Mop Up 2

These Code Artefacts have been superseded by the Finalisation of Code Artefacts, which you can view below. Code Artefacts remain here to enable an audit trail for the reviews of Code Artefacts. Please do not use these Artefacts unless for tracking or audit purposes. 

On 22 May 2024, the Code Topic Mop Up 2 Artefacts were approved at the Cross-Code Advisory Group (CCAG).   

You can view a Consolidated Comments Log from the consultation which closed on 11 March 2024 and the Retail Energy Code (REC) Mop Up 2 Post Consultation Assurance document below:

Mop Up 2 Consolidated Comments Log

REC Supporting Post-Consultation Notes

The Mop Up 2 Artefacts are displayed across the following categories in the libraries below:

  1. Balancing & Settlement Code (BSC) Sections 
  2. New BSCP700 series 
  3. Other Balancing & Settlement Code Procedures (BSCPs) 
  4. Retail Energy Code (REC) Schedules 
  5. BSC Assurance/Distribution Connection and Use of System Agreement (DCUSA) 

You can view a supporting Code Baseline Matrix stating which Artefacts are in each library below, along with some supporting guidance documents; the Mop Up 2 Advisory NotesREC Supporting Consultation Notes and the Code Drafting Change Control Log which were published when the consultation opened.

Code Baseline Matrix

Mop Up 2 Advisory Notes

REC Supporting Consultation Notes

Code Drafting Change Control Log

If you have any questions about these Code Artefacts, please email  


Code Topic Mop Up 2 Artefacts


Balancing & Settlement Code (BSC) Sections

New BSCP700 series

Other Balancing & Settlement Code Procedures (BSCPs)

Short Name Doc Number Theme Version
BSCP503 - Half Hourly Data Aggregation for SVA Metering Systems Registered in SMRS DEL2007 Other BSCPs v30.2
BSC Code of Practice 5 DEL995 Other BSCPs v18.5
BSC Code of Practice 2 DEL992 Other BSCPs v17.6
BSC Code of Practice 7 DEL997 Other BSCPs v7.6
P-Flows - Part 2 - Data Items DEL1724 Other BSCPs v0.4
BSC Code of Practice 1 DEL990 Other BSCPs v15.6
BSCP502 - Half Hourly Data Collection for SVA Metering Systems Registered in SMRS DEL2006 Other BSCPs v40.2
BSCP128 - Appendix 5 - CSAD 2.1 and 2.2 Tables for all Host and Embedded Submissons DEL2004 Other BSCPs v0.1
BSCP520 - Unmetered Supplies Registered in SMRS DEL2011 Other BSCPs v32.3
BSCP128 - Production, Submission, Audit and Approval of Line Loss Factors DEL1527 Other BSCPs v11.6
BSCP504 - Non Half Hourly Data Collection for SVA Metering Systems Registered in SMRS DEL2008 Other BSCPs v51.3
BSC Code of Practice 10 DEL991 Other BSCPs v14.4
P-Flows Part 1 - Interfaces DEL1723 Other BSCPs v0.6
BSC Code of Practice 6 DEL996 Other BSCPs v9.6
BSCP505 - Non Half Hourly Data Aggregation for SVA Metering Systems Registered in SMRS DEL2010 Other BSCPs v25.3
BSCP601 - Metering Protocol Approval and Compliance Testing DEL998 Other BSCPs v23.6
PSL200 Proposal to Withdraw DEL2033 Other BSCPs v0.4
BSC Code of Practice 3 DEL993 Other BSCPs v17.6
BSCP68 - Transfer of Registration of Metering Systems between CMRS and SMRS DEL-1266 Other BSCPs v18.7
BSC Central Services - Service Descriptions DEL1343 Other BSCPs v0.8
BSCP02 - Proving Test Requirements for Central Volume Allocation Metering Systems DEL2002 Other BSCPs v9.2
BSCP38 - Authorisations DEL1531 Other BSCPs v25.2
BSCP550 - Shared SVA (Advanced) Meter Arrangement of Half Hourly Import and Export Active Enerrgy DEL2013 Other BSCPs v18.4
BSCP602 - SVA Metering Systems and Asset Mefering Systems Register DEL2026 Other BSCPs v7.3
BSC Code of Practice 4 DEL994 Other BSCPs v16.6
BSCP65 - Registration of Parties and Exit Procedures DEL1530 Other BSCPs v22.6
BSCP01 - Overview of Trading Arrangements DEL2034 Other BSCPs v24.3

Retail Energy Code (REC) Schedules

Short Name Doc Number Theme Version
bacpac Web Data Specification DEL1731 REC Schedules v1.5
Schedule 9 - Qualification and Maintenance DEL1517 REC Schedules v0.4
REC EES API Interface Specification DEL-1718 REC Schedules v0.5
HTML Web Data Specification DEL1730 REC Schedules v1.5
REC Schedule XX - MHHS Migration DEL-1518 REC Schedules v0.6
Schedule 24 - Switching Data Management DEL1270 REC Schedules v0.4
ERDS Service Definition DEL1267 REC Schedules v0.5
REC Consolidated Metering Code of Practice v0.2 Mop Up Consultation DEL-984 REC Schedules v0.2
Schedule 25 - Central Switching Service DEL-1271 REC Schedules v0.3
Schedule 15 - Metering Accreditations DEL-1720 REC Schedules v0.3
Schedule 29 - Address Management DEL-1274 REC Schedules v0.4
Electricity Enquiry Service (EES) Service Definition DEL-1514 REC Schedules v0.4
Energy Market Data Specification DEL-1725 REC Schedules v0.4
REC Schedule 28 - Related Metering Points DEL-1273 REC Schedules v0.5
Schedule 27 - RMP Lifecycle DEL-1272 REC Schedules v0.6
Schedule 19 - Merket Exit and Supplier of Last Resort DEL-1268 REC Schedules V0.4
REC Schedule 14 - Metering Operations Schedule DEL-983 REC Schedules v0.6
Schedule 30 - Resolution of Consumer Facing Switching abd Billing Issues DEL-1516 REC Schedules v.04
Schedule 23 - Registration Services DEL-1269 REC Schedules v0.4

BSC Assurance / Distribution Connection and Use of System Agreement (DCUSA)

Short Name Doc Number Theme Version
BSCP18 - Corrections to Bid Offer Accepted Data DEL2005 BSC Assurance / DCUSA v17.2
BSCP537 - Qualification Process for SVA Parties, SVA Party Agents, VLPs, AMVLPs, Asset Metering Agents and CVA MOAs DEL2301 BSC Assurance / DCUSA v17.2
BSCP711 - Performance Assurance Monitoring Data Provision, Reporting and Publication of Peer Comparison Data DEL2304 BSC Assurance / DCUSA v0.4
BSCP128 - Appendix 3 - Calculation of Self Assessment Document (CSAD) for Host LDSOs and Embedded LDSOs That Do Not Mirrir DEL2278 BSC Assurance / DCUSA v7.2
BSCP27 - Technical Assurance of Metering Systems for Settlement Purposes DEL2291 BSC Assurance / DCUSA v23.2
BSCP128 - Appendix 9 - Site Specific LLF Calculation Audit Evidence Template DEL2281 BSC Assurance / DCUSA v1.1
PAM System User Requirements Specification (URS) DEL2305 BSC Assurance / DCUSA v0.3
DCUSA MHHS Transition DEL1722 BSC Assurance / DCUSA v0.6
BSCP711 - Appendix A - Fixed PAM Data Provider File Formats DEL2302 BSC Assurance / DCUSA v0.4
BSCP535 - Technical Assurance DEL2292 BSC Assurance / DCUSA v13.2
BSCP710 - Supplier Charges for MHHS Metering Systems DEL2287 BSC Assurance / DCUSA v0.3
BSCP14 - Processing of Manifest Error Claims DEL2282 BSC Assurance / DCUSA v9.2
BSCP711 - Appendix B - Fixed PAM Calculation Guidelines DEL2303 BSC Assurance / DCUSA v0.4
BSCP11 -Trading Disputes DEL2277 BSC Assurance / DCUSA v23.2
BSCP128 - Appendix 4 - Line Loss Factor Calculation Self Assessment Document (CSAD) for Embedded LDSOs That Mirror DEL2280 BSC Assurance / DCUSA v4.2