MHHS impacts to Data Transfer Network (DTN) Flows

The Programme has published Artefacts and Solution Documents detailing the changes required to Data Transfer Network (DTN) flows for MHHS.

The libraries below contain the detailed Solution Documents for the Balancing & Settlement Code (BSC) and the Retail Energy Code (REC) owned flows, and a summary document for each, explaining the approach taken.

The primary Artefact summarising the impact on each message is DES196 D Flow and Interface Mapping, which you can view by clicking on the link below:

DES196 D Flow & Interface Mapping

If you have any questions about these documents, please email the Design team at



1:30 time

Updated Data Transfer Network (DTN) Flow Solution Documents aligned with Interim Release 8.1 of the MHHS Design 

The Programme has updated DES196 and associated Solution Documents for changes required to Data Transfer Network (DTN) flows for MHHS.

These changes are set out in the Release Note for Interim Release 8.1 which you can view below: 

Interim Release 8.1 Release Note

If you have any questions about these documents, please email 

BSC Solution Documents

Short Name Doc Number Sub Type Status Version
D0400 - MHHS Supplier BM Unit Report D0400 BSC Solution Document Approved 1.3
J0107 - Rejection Reason Code BSC Solution Document Approved 1.0
D0401 - MHHS Aggregated Disconnected DUoS Report D0401 BSC Solution Document Approved 1.1
DEL1712 - MHHS Impacts to BSC owned Data Flows DEL1712 BSC Solution Document Approved v1.1
D0404 - MHHS Supplier BM Unit Demand Disconnection Report D0404 BSC Solution Document Approved 1.1
D0387 - Metering System Half Hourly Volume Adjustments D0387 BSC Solution Document Approved v1.0
D0398 - MHHS Supplier Settlement Header Report D0398 BSC Solution Document Approved 1.1
D0402 - MHHS Supplier Half Hourly Demand Disconnection Report D0402 BSC Solution Document Approved 1.1
D0397 - MHHS Supplier Half Hourly Demand Report D0397 BSC Solution Document Approved 1.2
D0399 - MHHS GSP Group Consumption Totals Report D0399 BSC Solution Document Approved 1.1
D0403 - MHHS GSP Group Demand Disconnection Totals Report D0403 BSC Solution Document Approved 1.1

REC Solution Documents

Short Name Doc Number Sub Type Status Version
D0225 - Priority Services Details REC Solution Document Approved 1.0
D0215 - Provision of Site Technical Details REC Solution Document Approved 1.0
D0382 - Rejection Response for Request to LDSO for Site Technical Details REC Solution Document Approved 1.0
D0193 - Confirmation of Key Meter Installation REC Solution Document Approved 1.0
J2256 - MOP Flow Response Code REC Solution Document Approved 1.0
D0190 - Issue Customer Key REC Solution Document Approved 1.0
D0191 - Request Special Visit to Read Reset Key Meter REC Solution Document Approved 1.0
D0224 - Notification of Programme for Re-Certification Meter Changes REC Solution Document Approved 1.0
D0169 - Allocation of New Additional MPAN Cores REC Solution Document Approved 1.0
D0139 Pre Transition Release REC Solution Document Approved v1.1
D0135 - Asset Condition Report REC Solution Document Approved 1.0
J0007 - Requested Action Code REC Solution Document Approved 1.0
D0268 - Advanced Meter Technical Details REC Solution Document Approved 1.0
D0221 - Notification of Failure to Install or Energise Metering System REC Solution Document Approved 1.0
D0311 Pre Transition Release REC Solution Document Approved V1.1
D0383 - Notification of Commissioning Information REC Solution Document Approved 1.0
D0180 - Request to Energise De-Energise Shut Down Prepayment Meter REC Solution Document Approved 1.0
D0302 - Notification of Customer Details REC Solution Document Approved 1.0
D0126 - Pre Transition Release REC Solution Document Approved V1.1
Data Flow Changes Summary REC Solution Document Approved 1.0
D0239 - Revenue Protection Report on Action Taken REC Solution Document Approved 1.0
D0142 - Request for Installation or Change to a Metering System Functionality or Removal of All Meters REC Solution Document Approved 1.0
D0149 - Notification of Mapping Details REC Solution Document Approved 1.0
D0300 Pre Transition Release REC Solution Document Approved V1.1
D0216 - Request Installation of Token Meter REC Solution Document Approved 1.0
D0176 - Request Tariff Debt Change on Token Meter REC Solution Document Approved 1.0
D0170 - Request for Metering System Related Details REC Solution Document Approved 1.0
D0150 Pre Transition Release REC Solution Document Approved v1.1
D0202 - Readings and Settings from a Removed Smart Card Meter REC Solution Document Approved 1.0
D0304 - Notification of Meter Asset Provider REC Solution Document Approved 1.0
D0384 - Notification of Commissioning Status REC Solution Document Approved 1.0
D0168 - Request for Additional New MPAN Cores REC Solution Document Approved 1.0
D0303 Pre Transition Release REC Solution Document Approved 1.2
D0178 - Confirmation of Token Meter Installation REC Solution Document Approved 1.0
D0134 - Request to Change Energisation Satus D0134 REC Solution Document Approved 1.0
J0171 - Reading Type REC Solution Document Approved 1.0
D0223 - Request to Install Check Meter or Carry Out Accuracy Tests REC Solution Document Approved 1.0
Switch Meter Read Exceptions REC Solution Document Approved 1.0
J2255 - MPAS D0304 Response Code REC Solution Document Approved 1.0
D0136 - Report to Supplier of Possible Irregularity REC Solution Document Approved 1.0
D0192 - Readings and Settings from a Token or Key Meter REC Solution Document Approved 1.0
D0368 - Notification of Agreed or Cancelled Appointment with Customer REC Solution Document Approved 1.0
D0194 - Request for Installation of Key Meter REC Solution Document Approved 1.0
D0179 - Confirmation of Energisation De-Energisation of Prepayment Meter REC Solution Document Approved 1.0
D0222 - Change in Customer Details REC Solution Document Approved 1.0