Code Drafting and Data Transfer Network
What's happened?
On Wednesday 15 January 2025, the Retail Energy Code (REC) Code Manager and Programme notified parties of an identified issue with the updates that have been made to translate the Market-wide Half-Hourly Settlement (MHHS) design into the MHHS version of the Energy Market Data Specification (EMDS).
This has been prepared for implementation at Programme Milestone 8 (M8) ‘Code Changes delivered’ and is the information that was provided to ElectraLink to update the Data Transfer Network (DTN) for MHHS Systems Integration Testing (SIT).
Below is an update on progress to assess and resolve these issues.
Energy Market Data Specification (EMDS) Update
Good progress is being made. The Data Transfer Network (DTN) messages have been fully assessed and the assessment of all other required EMDS updates needed for M8 is expected to complete by Tuesday 21 January 2025.
A further update will be provided at the Cross-Code Advisory Group (CCAG) on Wednesday 22 January 2025, setting out proposed timescales for updating the MHHS version of the EMDS.
As the MHHS version of the EMDS currently reflects the MHHS Design up to Interim Release (IR) 8.1, views from CCAG on whether to incorporate the latest MHHS Design updates (from IR8.2 to IR8.6 as well as IR8.7 due to be released on Wednesday 22 January 2025) at the same time as making error corrections will be requested. This would reduce the number of updates sent to industry participants.
All participants are reminded that they should continue to use the approved MHHS Design artefacts for system build and testing rather than the Code Drafting, given the need for parties to comply with the MHHS Design Artefacts and Swagger.
You can view the approved MHHS Design Artefacts, which should be referenced, via the following links:
Data Transfer Network (DTN) Update
The information provided to ElectraLink to update the DTN for MHHS SIT has been reviewed and a small number of issues have been identified.
Some of these issues have the potential to impact some tests due to be run in SIT, although there have been no impacts to date. These are being prioritised for a fix via an update to the DTN. An updated extract will be provided to ElectraLink by Monday 20 January 2025 and we'll confirm the date for this to be updated in the DTN early next week.
A plan to address any remaining issues that have been confirmed as not impacting SIT is also being developed.
We will continue to provide updates on this page, whilst the resolution steps are being confirmed and will provide a further update by Wednesday 22 January 2025.
If you have any questions, please continue to email these to and copy in the Programme Party Coordinator (PPC) team at