Tranche 1

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These Code Artefacts have been superseded by the Finalisation of Code Artefacts, which you can view below. Code Artefacts remain here to enable an audit trail for the reviews of Code Artefacts. Please do not use these Artefacts unless for tracking or audit purposes. 

Thank you to everyone who responded to the first tranche of the Code Drafting consultation. We received over 1,100 comments from Distribution Network Operators (DNOs)/Independent Distribution Network Operators (IDNOs), Suppliers, Agents, Software Provider, Code and Central Bodies.

These comments have been triaged and actioned by both the Balancing & Settlement Code (BSC) and Retail Energy Code (REC) Code Drafters.

At the Cross-Code Advisory Group (CCAG) meeting on 24 May 2023, Tranche 1 was approved. You can view these approved Artefacts below, along with the Consolidated Comments Log below.

Tranche 1 Consolidated Comments Log 

If you have any questions, please email