Code Topic Mop Up 1

These Code Artefacts have been superseded by the Finalisation of Code Artefacts, which you can view below. Code Artefacts remain here to enable an audit trail for the reviews of Code Artefacts. Please do not use these Artefacts unless for tracking or audit purposes. 

The Code Workstream issued the Code Topic Mop Up 1 Artefacts for consultation. The consultation closed on 2 January 2024.  

Thank you to all participants who submitted comments on this consultation.  The comments have now been triaged and where appropriate the Code Artefacts have been updated.

You can view the Consolidated Comments Log for this consultation below:

Code Topic Mop Up 1 Consolidated Comments Log

The updated Code Topic Mop Up 1 Artefacts were published for industry assurance review which closed on 31 January 2024.  

The assurance review was an opportunity for participants to review Programme responses to the comments from the consultation and submit a further comment if necessary. Thank you to all participants who provided feedback on this assurance review.

On 19 February 2024, as part of the Mop Up 2 consultation, all Artefacts were published for a final consultation and participant review.    

Mop Up 2 consultation comments were triaged in March and where relevant, updated Artefacts were republished for assurance review in April, before progressing to the Code Drafting Working Group (CDWG) in May for recommendation and then escalated to the May Cross-Code Advisory Group (CCAG) for Senior Responsible Owner (SRO) approval.    

You can view the Artefacts in the library below.  

You can also find accompanying guidance on the Artefacts below, for information:

Code Topic Mop Up 1 Consultation Advisory Notes

Code Drafting Change Control Log

Code Baseline Matrix

If you have any questions, please email


Code Topic Mop Up 1 Artefacts

Short Name Doc Number Theme Version
BSCP703 - BSC Central Services for Migrated Market-wide Metering Services DEL1345 Mop Up 1 v0.7
BSCP707 Appendix 2 - ISD Change Request Entity Validation DEL1525 Mop Up 1 v0.7
BSCP708 - Migration to and from MHHS Metering Systems DEL1519 Mop Up 1 v0.8
BSCP01 - Overview of Trading Arrangements DEL2034 Mop Up 1 v24.3
BSCP505 - Non Half Hourly Data Aggregation for SVA Metering Systems Registered in SMRS DEL2010 Mop Up 1 v25.2
Section X2 - Technical Glossary DEL2036 Mop Up 1 v54.4
Section X1 - General Glossary DEL2035 Mop Up 1 v115.1
Section S - Supplier Volume Allocation DEL1347 Mop Up 1 v44.5
BSCP503 - Half Hourly Data Aggregation for SVA Metering Systems Registered in SMRS DEL2007 Mop Up 1 v30.2
BSCP602 - SVA Metering System and Asset Metering System Register DEL2026 Mop Up 1 v7.2
BSCP502 - Half Hourly Data Collection for SVA Metering Systems Registered in SMRS DEL2006 Mop Up 1 v40.2
BSCP520 - Unmetered Supplies Registered in SMRS DEL2011 Mop Up 1 v32.3
BSCP707 - Appendix 1 - ISD Change Request Form DEL1524 Mop Up 1 v0.7
BSCP704 - Unmetered Supplies Operations for MHHS Metering Systems DEL978 Mop Up 1 v0.7
BSCP708 - Migration of Metering Systems to and from MHHS Arrangements DEL1519 Mop Up 1 v0.7
BSCP18 - Corrections to Bid Other Acceptance Related Data DEL2005 Mop Up 1 v16.3
BSCP128 - Appendix 5 - CSAD 2.1 and 2.2 Tables for all Host and Embedded Submissions DEL2004 Mop Up 1 v0.1
PSL200 - Generic Non-Functional Requirements for Licensed Distribution System Operators and MHHS Supplier Agents DEL2033 Mop Up 1 v0.4
BSCP706 - Supplier Meter Registration Service for MHHS Metering Systems DEL1282 Mop Up 1 v0.91
BSCP707 - Changes to Industry Standing Data DEL1523 Mop Up 1 v0.7
BSCP02 - Proving Test Requirements for Central Volume Allocation Metering Systems DEL2002 Mop Up 1 v9.2
BSCP504 - Non Half-Hourly Data Collection for SVA Metering Systems Registered in SMRS DEL2008 Mop Up 1 v51.2
BSCP709 - Supplier Requirements for MHHS Metering Systems DEL2057 Mop Up 1 v0.2
BSCP550 - Shared SVA Meter Arrangement of Half-Hourly Import and Export Active Energy DEL2013 Mop Up 1 v18.3
BSCP65 - Registration of Parties and Exit Procedures DEL1530 Mop Up 1 v22.6
BSCP701 - Smart Data Service DEL1041 Mop Up 1 v0.7
BSCP702 - Advanced Data Service DEL1042 Mop Up 1 v0.9
BSCP700 - Unmetered Supplies Data Services DEL979 Mop Up 1 v0.7
BSCP705 - Licensed Distribution for MHHS Metering Systems DEL1276 Mop Up 1 v0.6
Annex S-3 - Supplier Volume Allocation Rules for MHHS Migrated Metering Systems DEL1348 Mop Up 1 v0.7