MHHS Webinars & Open Days

MHHS Open Day: 23 April 2024

Thank you to everyone for coming to our MHHS Open Day on 23 April 2024. We were delighted that over 200 people were able to join us, either in person or virtually. The day was a big success, with engaging sessions and lots of questions asked throughout the day.  

If you couldn’t make the Open Day, or you want to remind yourself of some of the content, you can view the presentation slides and the recordings, broken down into the separate sessions, below:

MHHS Open Day presentation slides

Open Day: Delivery Philosophy

Open Day: Ofgem address

Open Day: Qualification update

Open Day: Continuous Improvement

Open Day: Go-Live update

Open Day: Migration 
You can view a Q&A from the day below:

MHHS Open Day Q&A

We'd love to hear what you thought of the day. We encourage you to please take five minutes to complete the feedback survey, available below. Thank you to everyone who has already responded.

MHHS Open Day Feedback Survey
If you have any other queries or you'd like to provide any additional feedback, please get in touch with us at  


MHHS Webinars Calendar

You can view a calendar for upcoming MHHS Webinars below.


MHHS Webinars Slides & Recordings

If you have been unable to attend a webinar, you can access the slides and recordings via the links below to support your knowledge and delivery of the Programme.

If you have any questions, please email


MHHS Webinar:  MHHS Programme Planning Dialogue Session: 12 September 2024

Webinar slides

Webinar recording

Webinar Q&A

MHHS Webinar:  Supplier Migration Plan Walkthrough: 6 August 2024

Webinar slides

Webinar recording

Webinar Q&A

MHHS Webinar:  Supplier Capacity Envelopes Walkthrough: 5 August 2024

Webinar slides

Webinar recording

Webinar Q&A

MHHS Webinar: Non-Systems Integration Testing (SIT) Licensed Distribution System Operator (LDSO) Data Integration Platform (DIP) Onboarding: 26 July 2024

Webinar slides

Webinar recording

Webinar Q&A

Qualification Assessment Document (QAD) Walkthrough Webinar: 29 May 2024

Webinar slides

Webinar recording

Qualification Assessment Document Webinars Q&A

MHHS Walkthrough: Pre-Integration Testing (PIT) Guidance: 4 April 2024

Webinar slides

Webinar recording

Webinar Q&A

MHHS Webinar: Change of Supplier process: 12 March 2024

Webinar slides

Webinar recording

Webinar Q&A

MHHS Webinar: Pre-Qualification Submission: 7 March 2024

Webinar slides

Webinar recording

Webinar Q&A v4.0

MHHS Webinar: Data Integration Platform (DIP) Demo: 7 September 2023

Webinar recording

Webinar Q&A

MHHS Webinar: Change Control Overview: 27 July 2023

Webinar slides

Webinar recording

Webinar Q&A

MHHS Webinar: DIP Interface Code of Connection and PKI Policy: 11 May 2023

Webinar slides

Webinar recording

Webinar Q&A

MHHS Webinar: introduction to the Data Integration Platform (DIP): 28 February 2023

Webinar slides

Webinar recording

Webinar Q&A

MHHS Webinar: Systems Integration Testing (SIT) Participation: 23 February 2023

Webinar slides

Webinar recording

Webinar Q&A

MHHS Webinar: Delivering Milestone 3: 20 January 2023

Webinar slides

Webinar recording

Webinar Q&A

MHHS Webinar: Post-M5 Design Change Control & Engagement: 16 January 2023

Webinar slides

Webinar recording

MHHS Webinar: Data Integration Platform (DIP) Simulator Demo: 1 December 2022

Webinar slides

Webinar recording

Webinar Q&A

MHHS Webinar: Readiness Assessment Two (RA2) Overall Report: 29 November 2022

Webinar slides

Webinar recording

Webinar Q&A

MHHS: Readiness Assessment Two: 30 August 2022

Webinar slides

Webinar recording

MHHS: Collaboration Base Relaunch: 29 July 2022

Webinar slides

Webinar recording

MHHS: Interim Plan (Plan on a Page): 27 June 2022

Webinar slides

Webinar recording

MHHS: Programme Management and Business Separation: 26 May 2022

Webinar slides

Webinar recording

MHHS: The Way Forward: 22 April 2022

Webinar slides

Webinar recording

MHHS: Starter for 10: 9 March 2022

Webinar slides

Webinar recording