Tranche 2

In line with the Code Drafting Plan and consultation process, the Programme published Code Artefacts for industry consultation in the libraries below.

These Code Artefacts have been superseded by the Finalisation of Code Artefacts, which you can view below. Code Artefacts remain here to enable an audit trail for the reviews of Code Artefacts. Please do not use these Artefacts unless for tracking or audit purposes. 

Code Drafting: Tranche 2 - BSC Central Services Consultation closed

On Wednesday 27 September, the Cross-Code Advisory Group (CCAG) approved the Balancing and Settlement Code (BSC) Central Services Code Artefacts. 
The Tranche 2 Consolidated Comments Log which includes the feedback and the Programme's responses to the BSC Central Services consultation in June 2023 is published below:

Consolidated Comments Log
If you have any questions, please email

1:30 time


Code Drafting: Tranche 2 - Registration Consultation closed

On 23 August 2023, the Cross-Code Advisory Group (CCAG) approved the BSC & Retail Energy Code (REC) Registration Code Artefacts.
The Tranche 2 Consolidated Comments Log which includes the feedback and the Programme's responses to the Registration (BSC & REC) consultation is published below:

Tranche 2 Consolidated Comments Log

In the library below, you can view the Tranche 2 BSC & REC Registration Code Artefacts. 

If you have any questions, please email