Systems Integration Testing (SIT) Qualification
On this page you can find more information on the Systems Integration Testing (SIT) participant route through Qualification.
SIT participants will work with the MHHS Programme to complete their Pre-Integration Testing (PIT) and SIT activities (using defined PIT and SIT Exit Criteria). Where any defects remain at the end of SIT, Code Bodies will work with the SIT participant and MHHS Programme to ensure that these are appropriately mitigated.
SIT participants must provide an Initial Qualification Assessment Document (QAD) submission to Code Bodies so that Code Bodies can commence their assessment of SIT participant evidence. Code Bodies will review this information and work with the SIT participant to clarify and assure that the information provided meets Code Body requirements for MHHS Qualification. You can find more information on the Qualification Assessment Document page of this website.
SIT participants will work with the MHHS Programme to complete SIT. Where a test cannot be completed in SIT, work-off plans are expected to be developed by the SIT participant, reviewed with the MHHS Programme and agreed with Code Bodies. SIT participants must then provide a Final QAD Submission once they have completed SIT. Code Bodies will review the Final QAD Submission and work with the SIT participant to finalise it, including closing any required work-off plans to manage defects that cannot be resolved through SIT.
Once the content of the QAD has been agreed as being complete for the purposes of MHHS Qualification, it must be signed by a Company Director (or delegate for roles governed only under the REC).
Code Bodies will then approve MHHS Qualification for the SIT participant in accordance with Section 11.3 MHHS Qualification Approval. Once MHHS Qualified, a SIT participant must undertake Service Activation before it can operate the new MHHS arrangements.
SIT participants are expected to complete their testing through the SIT route. MHHS Programme and Code Bodies will work with SIT participants to help ensure that this happens. Those participants, who cannot complete SIT, will be accommodated into the most appropriate Qualification Wave. The way forward will depend on the participant, what has prevented the completion of testing in SIT, how much testing has been completed, and where this is within the MHHS Programme timelines. As such, it will be case by case dependent. Appendix B in the Qualification Approach and Plan QA&P), sets out the process for parties that need to move from SIT to QT. You can view the QA&P on the Qualification Approach & Plan page of the MHHS website.
Qualification Testing Preparation Schedule
You can view the process for the SIT Qualification route below: