DIP Guidance Documents
The Programme has updated the DIP Onboarding FAQs (v1.2) which addresses changes to the following sections based on participant feedback:
- Where to find DIP IDs
- Wildcard URLs
- Certificate quotas
- Vetting
You can view the FAQs below, with accompanying appendices to support the answers provided:
Appendix 1: Certificates Required
Appendix 2: mTLS certificates and Market Participant Webhooks
Appendix 3: Installing certificates on a Webhook (Azure Function)
End-to-End DIP Onboarding and Readiness for CIT
The Programme has published the process for End-to-End Onboarding and Readiness for Component Integration Testing (CIT) which you can view below:
End-to-End DIP Onboarding and Readiness for CIT
This document includes communication points to support participants' to successfully onboard to the DIP, and to conduct a smoke test.
DIP Webhook URL Configuration Guide
The Programme has published the DIP Webhook URL Configuration Guide to provide participants with post-onboarding setup steps to complete their setup within the DIP.
DIP Webhook URL Configuration Guide
This latest version of the document includes updates to:
- Slides 12 & 13: The “Message” section has been redacted
- Slide 14: New FAQ slide based on participant feedback
If you need any help or have any further questions, please email DIP@mhhsprogramme.co.uk
DIP End-to-end Onboarding User Guide
The Programme has published an updated version of the DIP End-to-end Onboarding User Guide. The Guide provides all the steps required to complete the onboarding activity, including the ‘active’ certificate upload to the DIP.
This latest version of the document includes updates to:
- Slide 18: Updated regarding GlobalSign (GS)
- Slide 23: More detail on the GS vetting process
- Slides 46 – 48: More information on requesting a DIP Connection Provider (DCP) Status and Creating DIP IDs
- Slide 54: Updated FAQs based on participant feedback
It also provides advice on actions required outside of the DIP, essential to successful upload of an active certificate.
This latest version, v1.7 of the Guide includes additional clarification on certificate generation in sections 5 and 6.
DIP End-to-end Onboarding User Guide
Participants will receive their invitation to complete the onboarding on the day proposed for their interval start. The complete onboarding process is expected to take between 5-7 working days which includes 3-4 days concluding the GlobalSign verification.
DIP Onboarding Infographics
We’ve produced the infographics below to support all Programme participants to understand their journey into the DIP. Please note that these infographics are for all Programme participants, but are aimed primarily at Systems Integration Testing (SIT) Component Integration Testing (CIT) participants.
- Infographic 1: A date-based roadmap overview of the DIP journey into CIT (up to Interval 3), highlighting some of the key elements in focus up to the end of 2023
- Infographic 2: A high-level process model broken down into three key segments; preparing for onboarding, how to onboard, and CIT/SIT, in preparation for Programme participants’ journey into the relevant test phase
DIP Certification Process Map
The Programme have published the DIP Certification Process Map below:
Data Integration Platform (DIP) Certification Process Map
The document is aimed primarily at Systems Integration Testing (SIT) and Component Integration Testing (CIT) participants but we recommend all Programme participants review the information.
The DIP Certification Process Map details 17 steps that highlight three primary areas for the participant DIP onboarding journey:
- The roles required for each particular step (please use the infographics above for more information on identifying the relevant roles pre-onboarding)
- The detail involved in each step (please note some of the steps are technical so please distribute to relevant colleagues)
- The timeframe each step will take – (please pay particular attention to step 8 as there could be some planning involved with Programme participant change control processes)
Please take the time to absorb the information provided and how it impacts you and your relative journey and share this information with all pertinent stakeholders within your organisation.
If you have any questions, please email DIP@mhhsprogramme.co.uk
Non-Systems Integration Testing (SIT) Licensed Distribution System Operator (LDSO) DIP Onboarding Guide
The Non-SIT LDSO DIP Onboarding Guide was presented at a webinar on 26 July 2024. You can view a recording of this via the MHHS Webinars & Open Days page of this website. The slides, which are available below, intend to assist LDSOs who need to onboard to the DIP User Integration Testing (UIT) environment ahead of Qualification Testing in Q4 2024.
Non-SIT LDSO DIP Onboarding Webinar Slides
For technical assistance around DIP onboarding, please email DIP@mhhsprogramme.co.uk
For more information around Non-SIT LDSO Qualification, please email LDSO_QT@mhhsprogramme.co.uk
DIP Domain and Certificate Renewal Guide
The DIP Domain and Certificate Renewal Guide provides step-by-step instructions on how to renew the domain via the GlobalSign Atlas portal and DIP certificate via the DIP portal.
DIP Domain & Certificate Renewal Guide
If you have any questions on the DIP Domain and Certificate Renewal Guide, please email richard.bragg@mhhsprogramme.co.uk
For technical assistance around DIP onboarding, please email DIP@mhhsprogramme.co.uk
For more information around Non-SIT LDSO Qualification please email LDSO_QT@mhhsprogramme.co.uk
If you have any questions about these documents, please email the DIP team at DIP@mhhsprogramme.co.uk