Qualification Assessment Document

All Systems Integration Testing (SIT) and Non-SIT participants that are planning to Qualify in the MHHS arrangements should review and provide comments on this document.

The Qualification Assessment Document (QAD) sets out the information and evidence that all Suppliers, Supplier Agents, Meter Equipment Managers (MEMs), and Licensed Distribution System Operators (LDSOs) are required to provide to the Balancing & Settlement Code (BSC) and Retail Energy Code (REC) Code Bodies so that they can be MHHS Qualified to operate the new arrangements. 

The QAD has been developed through discussions with the MHHS Qualification Working Group (QWG). The QAD went through industry consultation in March, May and July 2024.


blue clock

Qualification Assessment Document (QAD) - version 3.01

Following the consultation in July 2024, the QAD v3.0 was approved by the Qualification Advisory Group (QAG) on 22 August 2024 and the BSC and REC Performance Assurance Boards (PABs) on the 27 and 29 August 2024 respectively. A small housekeeping update was subsequently made to a guidance point, and the QAD was published as QAD v3.01 on 18 September 2024.

You can view Word and PDF versions of the QAD below, along with the Consolidated Comments Log from the latest consultation:

Qualification Assessment Document v3.01 - PDF version

Qualification Assessment Document v3.01 - Word version

Qualification Assessment Document Consolidated Comments Log

If you have any questions about this document, please email the Code Bodies at MHHSQualification@elexon.co.uk 

Completing the QAD

To support efficient review of information and evidence from parties, there are two formal QAD submission stages and the timeframes for submission are set out in Appendix C of the Qualification Approach & Plan (QA&P), which you can view on the Qualification Approach and Plan page of this website.

This is an initial consultation for the QAD and there will be further consultations to cover Migration, Non-Functional, and Operational requirements that will be published later in 2024.

Please note that Code Bodies will provide further guidance on the Evaluation Criteria for each section as part of the post consultation update to the QAD.

Although we provided a PDF version of the QAD for the purposes of consultation, the format of the QAD submission will be via the QAD Portal (SOFY) which was demonstrated to participants during a dedicated webinar on 18 June 2024.

Please visit the MHHS Webinars & Open Days page of this website to view the QAD webinar recordings on 29 May and 18 June 2024.

You can also view the QAD Q&A document below, which was developed following the QAD webinars:

Qualification Assessment Document Webinars Q&A

If you have any questions about the QAD, please email MHHSQualification@elexon.co.uk and qualification@recmanager.co.uk 



Self-Qualification Assessment Document (SQAD) 

The Self-Qualification Assessment Document (SQAD) is for New Entrants only who are not an existing Balancing & Settlement Code (BSC) Party or Party Agent under Section J of the BSC.

Elexon published v0.1 of the SQAD for consultation in July 2024. This consultation closed on 19 July 2024. Thank you to all participants who submitted comments.

Due to the QAD approval scheduled in August, the decision was made to delay the approval of the 'Organisation' sections of the SQAD and to update the document to reflect the full scope, including the approved role specific sections from the QAD. 

Elexon has published version 0.2 of the Self-Qualification Assessment Document (SQAD) for consultation. Responses are due by 17:00 on Friday 27 September 2024. 

You can view the PDF and Word versions of the SQAD below:

Self-Qualification Assessment Document v0.2 (PDF Version)

Self-Qualification Assessment Document v0.2 (Word Version)

To submit your comments, download the comments log below and when complete send to MHHSQualification@elexon.co.uk

Self-Qualification Assessment Document v0.2 Comments Log

Version 0.1 of the SQAD covered the organisations section and version 0.2 covers the role specific sections and housekeeping changes reflected as part of the 0.1 consultation. 

If you have any questions about this document, please email Elexon at MHHSQualification@elexon.co.uk