Contact Us

We’re here to help!

Please see all our contact email addresses listed below. 

To support participants, and to respond to queries and/or feedback as quickly as possible, please use the email addresses below to ensure that your query is directed to the relevant team. for queries on documents, comments or meetings related to Code aspects of the Programme. for queries on the MHHS website, The Clock or media relations. for queries on documents, comments or meetings related to Design aspects of the Programme. for queries on the Data Integration Platform (DIP), DIP onboarding or any guidance or materials related to the DIP. for queries on sample data or files relating to Industry Standing Data (ISD). for technical queries relating to the Collaboration Base.

⁠ for queries on Qualification Testing if you are a Licensed Distribution System Operator (LDSO) participating in Systems Integration Testing (SIT). for queries on documents, comments or meetings related to Migration and Migration Design. for any queries on documents, comments or meetings related to the Transition and Operational Readiness aspects of the Programme, including the Transition and Operational Readiness Working Group (TORWG) or the Data Cleanse Working Group (DCWG). for business related queries relating to use of the dPMO tool, RAID, Planning or Programme meetings. You can also contact PMO if you want to sign up to a Programme Working Group or want to find out more about the Working Groups.​​​​​​ for any general queries or if you're not sure who to contact. for queries on Simulators & Emulators, Data Generators and the DIP Simulator, or to join our Sims & Ems Show & Tell sessions. for correspondence or information on governance, strategy or the Programme as a whole. for queries on documents, comments or meetings related to Testing aspects of the Programme.
