SIT Migration Test & Test Data Approaches & Plans

SIT Migration Test Approach & Plan and SIT Migration Test Data Approach & Plan 

On Wednesday 20 December 2023,  the Programme approved the following documents: 

  1. Systems Integration Testing (SIT) Migration Test Approach & Plan
  2. SIT Migration Test Data Approach & Plan 

You can view baselined v1.0 of both documents below. 

Both documents were approved following a 10-working day participant consultation, and a five working day assurance review. Thank you to all participants who provided review and feedback. 

The SIT Migration Test Approach & Plan describes the associated objectives, scope, approach, schedule, management, governance, and assurance of the Migration Test Stage. 

SIT Migration Test Approach & Plan v1.0

The SIT Migration Test Data Approach & Plan provides a detailed view of the specific data required per participant role for the Migration Test Stage. It outlines the approach to obtain the test data required to execute and pass all test scenarios and cases which are in scope of the Migration Test Stage. 

SIT Migration Test Data Approach & Plan v1.0

If you have any questions, please email the Testing Team at

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1:30 time

SIT Settlement High Level Testing and Data Approach Guidance 

The Programme has published SIT Settlement High Level Testing and Data Approach Guidance to support SIT participants during Settlement Testing. You can view this guidance document below:

SIT Settlement High Level Testing and Data Approach Guidance

Settlement Testing in SITB started on Monday 10 June 2024 and will prove the accuracy of Settlement processing and reporting. 

Elexon will produce a “Settlement Input Report” which will enable Programme participants to compare the settlement inputs (i.e. the Meter Point Administration Number (MPAN) consumption provided, estimations etc.) with the “REP” settlement reports. A small number of MPANs will be used to support this testing. Each cohort will be assigned an average of 50 MPANs (400 in total), each settlement day and the subsequent runs will use these 400 MPANs. 

If you have any questions about Settlement Testing, please email the Testing team at 

Systems Integration Testing (SIT) Migration Testing and Data Approach Guidance

The Programme has published the SIT Migration Testing and Data Approach Guidance, which you can view below:

SIT Migration Testing and Data Approach Guidance

This document provides guidance to SIT parties as to how the test data will be set up, for which roles, and the test and roles that will need to be stubbed by test parties.

The document also sets out how the Data Transfer Service (DTS) will need to be configured for each Programme participant and their respective DTS gateway.

If you have any questions about this document, please email
