Migration Supplier Envelope & Plan Submission


On 31 July 2024, the MHHS Programme issued migration envelopes and weekly submission templates to all Suppliers who have provided Primary and Secondary Migration contacts. 

All Suppliers must submit their weekly submission templates and Agent information (where known) by 2 October 2024. This should be sent to Migration@mhhsprogramme.co.uk 

This deadline remains the same irrespective of the Planning recalibration exercise that is currently in progress. The reasons for this are set out below.  

For further details on naming and zipping the files, as well as general guidance to support Suppliers with completing their weekly submission templates,  please refer to the Migration Supplier Envelope & Plan Submission Guide which you can view below.

Migration Supplier Envelope & Plan Submission Guide 

Supplier initial submissions will primarily be used to test and validate that the approaches set out in the Migration Framework work as envisaged in practice. This will enable the Migration Framework to be approved and baselined through the Migration and Cutover Advisory Group (MCAG).   

Once the MCC has validated Supplier initial submissions and the Migration Framework has been baselined, the Migration Sprint Planning phase will commence. This is where every two months, Suppliers will update their envelopes and submission templates and resubmit them to the MCC, enabling the MCC to publish an updated version of the Migration Schedule to industry. Supplier envelopes and submission templates will need to be updated to reflect changes to Supplier portfolios, progression through Qualification and thus Migration start date, among other things.   

Timings for each planning cycle within the Migration Sprint Planning phase will be provided in due course following Change Request 055 (CR055): Amendments to M10 and corresponding Milestones. 

The Migration team hosted two webinars on 5 and 6 August 2024.

The focus of these webinars was to walk through a worked example of a Supplier Capacity Envelope, and a worked example of a Migration Plan using the de-minimis Migration Plan submission rules and constraints.

Both webinars provided Suppliers with the guidance and support needed to complete and submit a Migration Plan to the Migration Control Centre (MCC).  

You can view the slides, recording and Q&A from these webinars on the MHHS Webinars & Open Days page of this website.

In response to participant feedback, the Migration team will host two additional drop-in sessions in the lead up to Suppliers submitting their Envelopes and Submission Templates to the Migration Control Centre (MCC) on Wednesday 2 October 2024.
These drop-ins, like the previous sessions, aim to provide Suppliers with an opportunity to ask any specific questions they have relating to their Envelopes and Migration Plans.
The remaining drop-in sessions are scheduled for:

  • Monday 16 September 2024 at 12:00-12:30
  • Monday 23 September 2024 at 12:00-12:30


Supplier Submission Worked Examples

Following the webinars and in response to participant feedback, we've provided some worked examples of Supplier Submissions to support Suppliers in completing their submissions to the MCC.

You can view these examples below:

Example Supplier Submission Guidance

Example Supplier Submission

Supplier Capacity Envelopes 

Each Supplier should use their Capacity Envelope to develop their own individual Migration Plan. The Capacity Envelopes will undergo iterative updates to manage capacity throughout the Migration period. 

The Supplier Capacity Envelope sets the Supplier’s maximum limits per Licensed Distribution System Operator (LDSO) over time, within which a Supplier can plan their Migration for a given Supplier Market Participant ID (MPID), at weekly granularity. It is designed to account for all Meter Point Administration Numbers (MPANs) that need to be migrated within the Supplier's responsibility, while providing headroom flexibility when deciding on the daily Migration volume.

A Supplier Capacity Envelope defines the maximum migration capacity available to a Supplier over the whole Migration window from the Supplier’s Migration start date, tailored over time to ensure fair and proportional access throughout the Migration period. 



De-Minimis Threshold 

For Suppliers with portfolios which do not meet the de-minimis threshold of 35,000 MPANs for an LDSO as set out in the Migration Framework, they will not receive Capacity Envelopes for that LDSO.

This may affect all or part of a Supplier's portfolio. Therefore, if your portfolio does not include 35,000 MPANs in a given LDSO, then you will not see a value in the Envelope denoting the capacity allocation. There will be an indicator showing that this is a de-minimis LDSO and therefore the de-minimis submission rules should be followed. 

You can find further information on Supplier Capacity Envelopes and the de-minimis submission rules in the guidance document available at the top of this page.

If you have any questions, please email the Migration team at Migration@mhhsprogramme.co.uk