SIT Functional Test Scenarios and Test Cases

SIT Functional Test Scenarios & Test Cases: Cycle 1

The Programme has updated the Systems Integration Testing (SIT) Functional Test Scenarios and Test Cases for Cycle 1

  • Themes 1-5 were approved at the Testing and Migration Advisory Group (TMAG) meeting on Wednesday 20 December 2023
  • Themes 6, 7 and 9 were approved at TMAG on Wednesday 17 January 2024
  • Theme 8 was approved at the Systems Integration Testing Advisory Group (SITAG) meeting (formerly TMAG) on Wednesday 21 February 2024

Subsequent updates to the baselined artefacts have been issued as part of our maintenance.

You can view the Release Notes for SIT Functional Test Scenarios and Cases below. The Release Notes provide a complete inventory of files that form the current baseline, as well as candidate files for additions to the baseline which are subject to industry approval. 

If you have any questions, please email the Testing team at 


SIT Functional Cycle 1 Release Notes

Short Name Doc Number Theme Version
MHHS System Integration Test Scenarios and Cases 26 Feb Release Note MHHS-DEL2343 SIT F Cycle 1 Release Notes 1.0
MHHS System Integration Test Scenarios and Cases 17 Jan Release Note MHHS-DEL2170 SIT F Cycle 1 Release Notes 1.0
MHHS System Integration Test Scenarios and Cases 3 Apr Release Note MHHS-DEL2481 SIT F Cycle 1 Release Notes 1.1
MHHS System Integration Test Scenarios and Cases 01 Mar Release Note v1.1. MHHS-DEL2343 SIT F Cycle 1 Release Notes 1.1
MHHS System Integration Test Scenarios and Cases 2 February Release Note MHHS-DEL2189 SIT F Cycle 1 Release Notes 1.0
MHHS System Integration Test Scenarios and Cases 19 Jan Release Note MHHS-DEL2177 SIT F Cycle 1 Release Notes 1.0
MHHS System Integration Test Scenarios and Cases 12 Jan Release Note MHHS-DEL2156 SIT F Cycle 1 Release Notes 1.0

SIT Functional Test Scenarios & Test Cases: Cycle 2

SIT Functional Cycle 2 Test Scenarios and Test Cases – Alignment with Interim Release 7 (IR7)

The Programme is issuing uplifted tests for SIT Functional Cycle 2 Themes 1-9 to incorporate IR7 changes and defect fixes. 

To view the uplifted files for each theme, please visit the SIT Functional Cycle 2 pages below, split into respective themes. You can also view the corresponding Release Note below.

If you have any questions, please email the Testing team at

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SIT Functional Cycle 2 Release Notes

Short Name Doc Number Theme Version
MHHS System Integration Test Scenarios and Cases 04 July Release Note V1.1 MHHS-DEL2865 SIT F Cycle 2 Release Notes 1.1
MHHS System Integration Test Scenarios and Cases 30 July Release Note MHHS-DEL2947 SIT F Cycle 2 Release Notes 1.0
MHHS System Integration Test Scenarios and Cases 28 May Release Note MHHS-DEL2672 SIT F Cycle 2 Release Notes 1.0
MHHS System Integration Test Scenarios and Cases 20 August Release Note MHHS-DEL3005 SIT F Cycle 2 Release Notes 1.0
MHHS System Integration Test Scenarios and Cases 10 June Release Note MHHS-DEL2759 SIT F Cycle 2 Release Notes 1.0
MHHS System Integration Test Scenarios and Cases 20 May Release Note MHHS-DEL2644 SIT F Cycle 2 Release Notes 1.0