Red-lined Design Artefacts: Interim Release 8-8.8

Red-lined Design Artefacts: Interim Release 8

The Red-lined Design Artefacts Interim Release 8 are available below.

The Programme has now baselined Interim Release 8 of the Design Artefacts. Clean versions of these Artefacts are published in the respective libraries of the Baselined Design Artefacts page of this website.

​​​For more information or if you have any questions, please email


Red-lined Design Artefacts: Interim Release 8.8

On Wednesday 12 February 2025 the Programme published Interim Release 8.8. 

This release contains two Design Issue Notifications (DINs):

  • Updates to DES138 IF-041 - This may affect Supplier, Metering and Data Services
  • Updates to Method Statement 002

None of these updates affect Swagger. 

Test Coordinators will inform Programme participants of any impacts on Systems Integration Testing (SIT) Test Case execution. 

Programme participants are expected to conduct their own risk assessment against IR8.7 and execute their own appropriate regression testing without the need to formally Pre-Integration Test (PIT) report against it.   

Full details of the issues addressed are covered in the Release Note below:

Release Note for Interim Release 8.8

We've published the Artefacts in their own library below to support participant engagement with the Artefacts. 

For more information or if you have any questions, please email

Short Name Doc Number Sub Type Status Version
Interface Catalogue DES138 Interface Specifications v5.8.7
ADS_Validation_Estimation METH002 Unclassified 5.8

Red-lined Design Artefacts: Interim Release 8.7

On Wednesday 22 January 2025 the Programme published Interim Release 8.7. 

This release contains:

  • Updates to MHHSP-EM021  
  • Changes to DES196  
  • Changes to ERI011b 
  • Changes to BP019  
  • Changes to BPD019  

None of these updates affect Swagger. 

Programme participants are expected to conduct their own risk assessment against IR8.7 and execute their own appropriate regression testing without the need to formally Pre-Integration Test (PIT) report against it.   

Full details of the issues addressed are covered in the Release Note below:

Release Note for Interim Release 8.7

We've published the Artefacts in their own library below to support participant engagement with the Artefacts. 

For more information or if you have any questions, please email


Short Name Doc Number Sub Type Status Version
Market-wide Data Service Business Process Descriptions (REDLINED) BPD019 Business Process Descriptions v5.2
Market-wide Data Service (ECS) Business Process (REDLINED) BP019 Business Process Descriptions v5.2
ECS Reports - External (redlined) ERI011B Interface Specifications Draft V5.10
ISD Entity Map (Redlined) EM021 Supporting Document v5.1
D-Flow and Interface Mapping DES196 Technical Design Draft 1.4

Red-lined Design Artefacts: Interim Release 8.6

On Monday 25 November 2024 the Programme published Interim Release 8.6. 

This release contains changes to DES138 and changes to Advanced Data Service (ADS) Validation Estimation.  

None of these updates affect Swagger. 

Programme participants are expected to conduct their own risk assessment against IR8.6 and execute their own appropriate regression testing without the need to formally Pre-Integration Test (PIT) report against it.   

Full details of the issues addressed are covered in the Release Note below:

Release Note for Interim Release 8.6

We have published the Artefacts in their own library below to support participant engagement with the Artefacts. 

For more information or if you have any questions, please email

Short Name Doc Number Sub Type Status Version
ADS Validation Estimation Method Statement (Redlined Version) METH002 Method Statements 5.7
Interface Catalogue DES138 Interface Specifications v5.8.6

Red-lined Design Artefacts: Interim Release 8.5

On Wednesday 6 November 2024 the Programme published Interim Release 8.5. 

This release contains design updates following the approval of CR056: Batching of Electricity Registration Data Service (ERDS) to Central Switching Service (CSS) Agent Appointment Files, and corrects four defects that were identified in SIT Functional Testing that are currently blocking test execution.

The Programme will issue guidance on the 'effective from' date of these updates via the testing coordinators. 

None of these updates affect Swagger. 

Programme participants are expected to conduct their own risk assessment against IR8.5 and execute their own appropriate regression testing without the need to formally Pre-Integration Test (PIT) report against it.   

Full details of the issues addressed are covered in the Release Note below:

Release Note for Interim Release 8.5

We have published the Artefacts in their own library below to support participant engagement with the Artefacts. 

For more information or if you have any questions, please email

Short Name Doc Number Sub Type Status Version
DEL1712 - MHHS Impacts to BSC owned Data Flows (REDLINED) DEL1712 BSC Solution Document Draft v1.2
Operational Choreography (REDLINED) OPC001 Method Statements Draft v5.5
Interface Catalogue DES138 Unclassified Draft v5.8.5
D0398 - MHHS Supplier Settlement Header Report (REDLINED) D0398 Draft v1.2

Red-lined Design Artefacts: Interim Release 8.4

On Wednesday 16 October 2024 the Programme published Interim Release 8.4. 

This release contains an update to the Design (DES-138) addressing a specific defect preventing the IF-036 not being issued for Linked / Related Meter Point Administration Numbers (MPANs) and blocking several test cases. The Programme will advise on the ‘effective from’ date for the update in due course. 

This release does not introduce any new functionality but does address specific identified errors that are causing failures in testing. 

The updates will only impact Meter Point Registration Service (MPRS) and Data Integration Platform (DIP) services.

Programme participants are expected to conduct their own risk assessment against IR8.4 and execute their own appropriate regression testing without the need to formally PIT report against it. 

We've published the Artefacts in their own library below to support participant engagement with the Artefacts. 

Full details of the issues addressed are covered in the Release Note below:

Release Note for Interim Release 8.4

Short Name Doc Number Sub Type Status Version
Interface Catalogue (Redlined) DES138 Unclassified Draft v5.8.4

Red-lined Design Artefacts: Interim Release 8.3

On Wednesday 18 September 2024, the Programme published Interim Release 8.3. This release contains a number of changes which, mainly, include updates to Swagger and DES-138. Importantly, IR8.3 will not introduce any new functionality but will address specific identified errors that are likely to cause future failures in testing. 

Programme participants are expected to conduct their own risk assessment against IR8.3 and execute their own appropriate regression testing without the need to formally PIT report against it. 

All Programme participants should use reasonable endeavours to align SIT-B systems to IR8.3 by 7 October 2024, to re-commence Settlement Testing. If Programme participants are unable to do so, please use IR8.2 and update to IR8.3 as soon as possible, at a suitable point before 21 October 2024 (for SIT-A alignment).

The Data Integration Platform (DIP) will be operating aligned to IR8.2 in SIT-B as of 7 October 2024 and updated to IR8.3 for 21 October 2024, aligned to SIT-A. 

We've published the Artefacts in their own library below to support participant engagement with the Artefacts. 

Full details of the issues addressed are covered in the Release Note below:

Release Note for Interim Release 8.3

Short Name Doc Number Sub Type Status Version
Physical interfaces - ECS Common Blocks - json E2E003 Technical Design Draft v1.8.3
Physical interfaces - ECS Reports - json E2E003 Technical Design Draft v1.8.3
Physical interfaces - Data Types - json E2E003 Technical Design Draft v1.8.3
Physical interfaces - Submit Events - yaml E2E003 Technical Design Draft v1.8.3
Physical interfaces - Interfaces Event Codes - yaml E2E003 Technical Design Draft v1.8.3
Physical interfaces - ECS Common Blocks - yaml E2E003 Technical Design Draft v1.8.3
Physical interfaces - Submit Events - json E2E003 Technical Design Draft v1.8.3
Physical interfaces - Data Types - yaml E2E003 Technical Design Draft v1.8.3
Physical interfaces - Data Catalogue - json E2E003 Technical Design Draft v1.8.3
Physical interfaces - ECS Reports - yaml E2E003 Technical Design Draft v1.8.3
Physical interfaces - Submit Events - json E2E003 Technical Design Draft v1.8.3
Interface Catalogue (redlined) DES138 Interface Specifications Draft v5.8.4
Physical interfaces - Submit Events - json E2E003 Technical Design Draft v1.8.3
Physical interfaces - Interfaces Event Codes - json E2E003 Technical Design Draft v1.8.3
End to End Non Functional Requirements (redlined) E2E002 Technical Design Approved v3.5
Physical interfaces - Data Catalogue - yaml E2E003 Technical Design Draft v1.8.3

Red-lined Design Artefacts: Interim Release 8.2

On Wednesday 21 August the Programme published Interim Release 8.2. This release contains eight Design Issue Notifications (DINs). 

This release does not introduce any new functionality but does address specific identified errors that are likely to cause future failures in testing. 

Programme participants are expected to conduct their own risk assessment against IR8.2 and execute their own appropriate regression testing without the need to formally PIT report against it.

Programme participants will need to incorporate these updates before starting SIT Functional Cycle 3.    

Full details of the issues addressed are covered in the Release Note below:

Release Note for Interim Release 8.2

Short Name Doc Number Sub Type Status Version
SDS_Validation_Estimation METH001 Method Statements v5.8
End to End Solution Architecture E2E001 Technical Design v3.8
VAS_Method Statement METH006 Method Statements v5.4
LSS_Method_Statement METH005 Method Statements v5.3
ADS_Validation_Estimation METH002 Method Statements 5.6
MDS_Method_Statement METH007 Method Statements v5.5
UMSDS_EM_Functions METH004 Method Statements v5.4
Interface Catalogue (redlined) DES138 Interface Specifications v5.8.3
ECS Reports ERI011B Interface Specifications v5.8
ISD_Entities EDI021 Technical Design v5.8
ISD_Entities EDI021 Technical Design v5.8

Red-lined Design Artefacts: Interim Release 8.1

On Wednesday 12 June 2024, the Programme published Interim Release 8.1 Design Artefacts.

Interim Release 8.1 contains 47 Design Issue Notifications (DINs), correcting errors in various Design Artefacts and defects in Swagger ahead of the upcoming Systems Integration Testing (SIT) Cycle 3 and Qualification Testing.  

This release doesn't introduce any new functionality but does address specific identified errors that are likely to cause future failures in testing. 

Programme participants are expected to conduct their own risk assessment against IR8.1 and execute their own appropriate regression testing without the need to formally Pre-Integration Test (PIT) report against it.

Programme participants will need to incorporate these updates before starting SIT Functional Cycle 3.    

Full details of the issues addressed are covered in the accompanying Release Note below:

Release Note for Interim Release 8.1

Short Name Doc Number Sub Type Status Version
DIP API & Webhook Response Guidance Supporting Document Draft v3.0
Physical interfaces - Interfaces Event Codes - json E2E003 Technical Design Draft v1.8.1
Migration Design Document (redlined) DEL961 Supporting Document Draft v1.3
Interface Catalogue (redlined) DES138 Interface Specifications Draft v5.8.2
Physical interfaces - Data Types - json E2E003 Technical Design Draft v1.8.1
Migration Design Requirements Log (redlined) DEL974 Business Requirements Draft v1.2
Physical interfaces - ECS Common Blocks - yaml E2E003 Technical Design Draft v1.8.1
D-Flow and Interface Mapping DES196 Technical Design Approved v0.3
Physical interfaces - Submit Events - json E2E003 Technical Design Draft v1.8.1
LSS Method Statement (redlined) METH005 Method Statements Draft v5.2
LDSO Overview Requirements (redlined) BRS005 Business Requirements Draft v5.3
End to End Solution Architecture (redlined) E2E001 Technical Design Draft v3.7
Physical interfaces - Submit Events - yaml E2E003 Technical Design Draft v1.8.1
Physical interfaces - Submit Events - json E2E003 Technical Design Draft v1.8.1
Physical interfaces - Submit Events - yaml E2E003 Technical Design Draft v1.8.1
Physical interfaces - Real Common Blocks - yaml E2E003 Technical Design Draft v1.8.1
Change of Registration Data Business Process (redlined) BP010 Business Process Diagrams Draft v5.5
ISD Entities (redlined) EDI021 Supporting Document Draft v5.7
Physical interfaces - ECS Reports - json E2E003 Technical Design Draft v1.8.1
Physical interfaces - Interfaces Event Codes - yaml E2E003 Technical Design Draft v1.8.1
Physical interfaces - Data Catalogue - json E2E003 Technical Design Draft v1.8.1
ECS Reports - External (redlined) ERI011B Interface Specifications Draft v5.6.7
Physical interfaces - Data Catalogue - yaml E2E003 Technical Design Draft v1.8.1
End to End Non Functional Requirements (redlined) E2E002 Technical Design Draft v3.4
Physical interfaces - ECS Reports - yaml E2E003 Technical Design Draft v1.8.1
Change of Registration Data Business Process Descriptions (redlined) BPD010 Business Process Descriptions Draft v5.3
Change of Energisation Business Process (redlined) BP008 Business Process Diagrams Draft v5.2
Physical interfaces - Data Types - ysml E2E003 Technical Design Draft v1.8.1
Registration Service Requirements (redlined) BRS003 Business Requirements Draft v5.7
SDS Validation Estimation Method Statement (redlined) METH001 Method Statements Draft v5.4
Physical interfaces - Real Common Blocks - json E2E003 Technical Design Draft v1.8.1
Physical interfaces - ECS Common Blocks - json E2E003 Technical Design Draft v1.8.1
ADS Validation Estimation Method Statement (redlined) METH002 Method Statements Draft v5.5
Supplier Overview Requirements (redlined) BRS004 Business Requirements Draft v5.5

Red-lined Design Artefacts: Interim Release 8

Short Name Doc Number Sub Type Status Version
Physical interfaces - Submit Events - json E2E003 Technical Design Draft v1.8
MDS Method Statement (redlined) METH007 Method Statements Draft v5.4
ISD Entities (redlined) EDI021 Supporting Document Draft v5.6
Change of Supply - Reverse Migration (redlined) DEL-965 Business Process Diagrams Draft v1.2
Change of Service - Metering Service - Forward Migration (redlined) DEL963 Business Process Diagrams Draft v1.4
Physical interfaces - ECS Common Blocks - yaml E2E003 Technical Design Draft v1.8
Market-wide Data Service Requirements (ECS) (redlined) BRS008 Business Requirements Draft v5.1
Change of Supply - Reverse Migration (redlined) DEL-971 Business Process Descriptions Draft v1.2
Change of Service - Data Service - Forward Migration (redlined) DEL964 Business Process Diagrams Draft V1.4
Physical interfaces - Submit Events - json E2E003 Technical Design Draft v1.8
Physical interfaces - ECS Reports - json E2E003 Technical Design Draft v1.8
Physical interfaces - Data Catalogue - json E2E003 Technical Design Draft v1.8
Registration Service Requirements (redlined) BRS003 Business Requirements Draft v5.6
Annual Consumption Requirements (redlined) BRS012 Business Requirements Draft v5.1
Physical interfaces - ECS Common Blocks - json E2E003 Technical Design Draft v1.8
Migration Design Requirements Log (redlined) DEL974 Business Requirements Draft v1.1
Physical interfaces - Interfaces Event Codes - yaml E2E003 Technical Design Draft v1.8
Physical interfaces - ECS Reports - yaml E2E003 Technical Design Draft v1.8
Physical Interfaces - Real Common Blocks - yaml E2E003 Technical Design Draft v1.8
Data Processing Business Process Descriptions (redlined) BPD005 Business Process Descriptions Draft v5.1
Data Processing Business Process (redlined) BP005 Business Process Diagrams Draft v5.2
SDS Validation Estimation Method Statement (redlined) METH001 Method Statements Draft v5.3
Physical interfaces - Submit Events - yaml E2E003 Technical Design Draft v1.8
Interface Catalogue (redlined) DES138 Interface Specifications Draft v5.8.1
Supplier Overview Requirements (redlined) BRS004 Business Requirements Draft v5.4
Change of Service - Data Service Business Process (redlined) BP003 Business Process Diagrams Draft v5.7
Physical interfaces - Data Types - yaml E2E003 Technical Design Draft v1.8
Physical interfaces - Interfaces Event Codes - yaml E2E003 Technical Design Draft v1.8
UMSO Method Statement (redlined) METH009 Method Statements Draft v5.2
Physical interfaces - Submit Events - yaml E2E003 Technical Design Draft v1.8
Migration Design Document (redlined) DEL961 Supporting Document Draft v1.3
End to End Non Functional Requirements (redlined) E2E002 Technical Design Draft v3.3
Physical interfaces - Data Types - json E2E003 Technical Design Draft v1.8
Data Collection Business Process Descriptions (redlined) BPD004 Business Process Descriptions Draft v5.1
Physical interfaces - Data Catalogue - yaml E2E003 Technical Design Draft v1.8
Provisional Transitional Scaling Weights (redlined) DES240 Supporting Document Draft v1.1
Physical interfaces - Real Common Blocks - json E2E003 Technical Design Draft v1.8