SIT Migration Theme 2

SIT Migration Theme 2 - Reverse Migration

On Wednesday 17 April, the Systems Integration Testing Advisory Group (SITAG) approved the  Systems Integration Testing (SIT) Migration Test Scenarios and Test Cases for Theme 2: Reverse Migration.  

You can view the approved Test Scenarios and Test Cases in the library below titled Theme 2: Baselined Artefacts, as well as a Consolidated Comments Log and the relevant Release Notes

SIT Migration Theme 2 Release Note 8 April 2024

SIT Migration Theme 2 Release Note 5 April 2024

SIT Migration Theme 2 Release Note 25 March 2024

SIT Migration Theme 2 Consolidated Comments Log

You can also view the recording of the Theme 2 Review Workshop held on 15 February 2024 below:

SIT Migration Test Scenarios & Test Cases Review Workshop Recording

If you have any questions, please email the Testing team at


Theme 2: Baselined Artefacts

Short Name Doc Number Theme Version
SIT-M-RM-CoS-MS-DS - v0.4 - Clean DEL2316 SIT M: Theme 2 0.4
SIT-M-RM-CoS-MS-DS - v0.4 - Redlined DEL2316 SIT M: Theme 2 0.4