SIT Non-Functional Theme 2

SIT Non-Functional Theme 2: Lifecycle Processing and End-to-end (E2E) 

The Systems Integration Testing (SIT) Non-Functional Test Scenarios and Test Cases for Theme 2: Lifecycle Processing and E2E were issued on Monday 20 May 2024 for your consultation and feedback. 

The initial review window closed on Tuesday 28 May. Thank you to all participants who provided feedback.

The Programme has reviewed all the feedback and collated it in the Consolidated Comments Log which you can view below. You can also view version 0.2 of the summary sheet below, highlighting the IF Message Channels required for each participant role to form an end-to-end business process. Please refer to the latest Release Note for further information. 

SIT Non-Functional Test Scenarios & Test Cases Theme 2 Consolidated Comments Log

SIT Non-Functional Test Scenarios & Test Cases Theme 2 Summary Sheet v0.2

SIT Non-Functional Test Scenarios & Test Cases Theme 2 Release Note: 27 June 2024

SIT Non-Functional Test Scenarios & Test Cases Theme 2 Release Note: 20 May 2024

You can also view the recording of the Theme 2 Review Workshop held on 17 May 2024 below:

SIT Non-Functional Test Scenarios & Test Cases Theme 2 Review Workshop Recording

If you have any questions, please email


SIT Non-Functional Test Scenarios &Test Cases

Short Name Doc Number Theme Version
SITNFT-T2-030 Settlement LSS Test Cases v0.1 MHHS-DEL2648 SIT NFT Theme 2 0.1
SITNFT-T2-040 COSupplier Notifications Test Cases v0.1 MHHS-DEL2649 SIT NFT Theme 2 0.1
SITNFT-T2-070 COA Processing Test Cases v0.1 MHHS-DEL2652 SIT NFT Theme 2 0.1
SITNFT-T2-050 COA Notifications Test Cases v0.1 MHHS-DEL2650 SIT NFT Theme 2 0.1
SITNFT-T2-060 COSupplier Processing Test Cases v0.1 MHHS-DEL2651 SIT NFT Theme 2 0.1


SIT Non-Functional Test Tooling Queries - Theme 2: Lifecycle Processing and E2E

The Programme published the SIT Non-Functional Test Scenarios and Test Cases for Theme 2: Lifecycle Processing and E2E.

As part of the SIT Non-Functional Test Approach & Plan, the Programme made statements on the potential re-use of Pre-Integration Testing (PIT) test tooling as a means to process messages through business processes at low volumes of traffic.  

As part of the planning for both SIT Non-Functional Testing Themes 2 and 3, the Programme issued a questionnaire to determine the viability of this approach. This participant feedback request closed on Friday 24 May.

During the review, participants were asked to consider:

  1. If any additional automated tooling is required to drive IF/PUB messages through your system to complete business process testing.
  2. If tooling is deemed necessary, has a solution for this previously been used as a driver during Non-Functional Testing PIT phase of delivery?
  3. Determine portability of tooling, if suitable, and any additional effort involved in providing this during SIT Non-Functional Testing phases of execution.
  4. Preparation and/or data requirements for the re-use of this tooling solution during SIT Non-Functional Testing execution.
  5. Availability of tooling, if required, Theme 2 SIT Non-Functional Testing is currently expected to start on 30 September 2024, with Theme 3 completing in December 2024.

If you have any questions, please email the Testing team at