SIT Operational Theme 1

SIT Operational Theme 1 - Metering Point Registration System (MPRS)/Licensed Distribution System Operator (LDSO) and Business Requirements  

The Systems Integration Testing Advisory Group (SITAG) approved the Systems Integration Testing (SIT) Operational Test Scenarios and Test Cases for Theme 1: MPRS/LDSO and Business Requirements on Wednesday 21 August.

 The Programme has now reviewed all feedback and collated it in the Consolidated Comments Log in the link below:

SIT Operational Test Scenarios & Test Cases Theme 1 Consolidated Comments Log

You can view the approved Test Cases and Test Scenarios (version 0.2) in the library below.

 If you have any questions, please email


SIT Operational Theme 1 Test Scenarios and Test Cases

Short Name Doc Number Theme Version
SITOPS_BR20 MPRS in BUUK target infrastructure v0.2 Redlined MHHS-DEL2636 SIT Op Theme 1 0.2
SITOPS_BR12_Monitoring & Tracking when sending & Receiving messages with DIP v0.2 Redlined MHHS-DEL2622 SIT Op Theme 1 0.2
SITOPS_BR08 Investigate faulty equipment v0.2 MHHS-DEL2626 SIT Op Theme 1 0.2
SITOPS_BR04 Delete any Active DSP Schedules v0.2 MHHS-DEL2619 SIT Op Theme 1 0.2
SITOPS_BR20 MPRS in BUUK target infrastructure v0.2 MHHS-DEL2636 SIT Op Theme 1 0.2
SITOPS_BR25 LSS provides Load Shape data that is publically accessible MHHS-DEL2638 SIT Op Theme 1 0.1
SITOPS_BR04 Delete any Active DSP Schedules v0.2 Redlined MHHS-DEL2619 SIT Op Theme 1 0.2
SITOPS_BR11 Investigate MTD Issues v0.2 Redlined MHHS-DEL2629 SIT Op Theme 1 0.2
SITOPS_BR13 Receipt of notification for fault resolution (Unmetered) MHHS-DEL2627 SIT Op Theme 1 0.1
SITOPS_BR21 MPRS in SSEN target infrastructure v0.2 MHHS-DEL2637 SIT Op Theme 1 0.2
SITOPS_BR03 Manage Previous Customer Details v0.2 MHHS-DEL2616 SIT Op Theme 1 0.2
SITOPS_BR01_Investigate and Resolve Issues v0.2 MHHS-DEL2624 SIT Op Theme 1 0.2
SITOPS_BR18 VAS Run number setting and VAS runs date_time storage MHHS-DEL2621 SIT Op Theme 1 0.1
SITOPS_BR08 Investigate faulty equipment v0.2 Redlined MHHS-DEL2626 SIT Op Theme 1 0.2
SITOPS_BR05 Attempted Meter Read Fail recorded MHHS-DEL2618 SIT Op Theme 1 0.1
SITOPS_BR15 Maintain Off-Peak Declaration records MHHS-DEL2617 SIT Op Theme 1 0.1
SITOPS_BR26 VAS Capture and Store Data MHHS-DEL2639 SIT Op Theme 1 0.1
SITOPS_BR11 Investigate MTD Issues v0.2 MHHS-DEL2629 SIT Op Theme 1 0.2
SITOPS_BR16 DIP Platform error messages v0.2 MHHS-DEL2623 SIT Op Theme 1 0.2
SITOPS_BR02 Manage Data on Receipt of Interfaces v0.2. MHHS-DEL2615 SIT Op Theme 1 0.2
SITOPS_BR01_Investigate and Resolve Issues v0.2 Redlined MHHS-DEL2624 SIT Op Theme 1 0.2
SITOPS_BR16 DIP Platform error messages v0.2 Redlined MHHS-DEL2623 SIT Op Theme 1 0.2
SITOPS_BR06 Escalate where consumption on de-energised MPAN v0.2 Redlined MHHS-DEL2628 SIT Op Theme 1 0.2
SITOPS_BR12_Monitoring & Tracking when Sending & Receiving messages with DIP v0.2 MHHS-DEL2622 SIT Op Theme 1 0.2
SITOPS_BR06 Escalate where consumption on de-energised MPAN v0.2 MHHS-DEL2628 SIT Op Theme 1 0.2
SITOPS_BR23 LSS provides data on request (adhoc requests) v0.2 MHHS-DEL2634 SIT Op Theme 1 0.2
SITOPS_BR17 Load Shape Run information storage MHHS-DEL2620 SIT Op Theme 1 0.1
SITOPS_BR22 Target work date confirmation for Change Conn and Change Market Seg MHHS-DEL2630 SIT Op Theme 1 0.1
SITOPS_BR24 LSS Validation Failure investigation MHHS-DEL2635 SIT Op Theme 1 0.1
SITOPS_BR23 LSS provides data on request (adhoc requests) v0.2 Redlined MHHS-DEL2634 SIT Op Theme 1 0.2
SITOPS_BR03 Manage Previous Customer Details v0.2 Redlined MHHS-DEL2616 SIT Op Theme 1 0.2
SITOPS_BR02 Manage Data on Receipt of Interfaces v0.2 Redlined MHHS-DEL2615 SIT Op Theme 1 0.2
SITOPS_BR21 MPRS in SSEN target infrastructure v0.2 Redlined MHHS-DEL2637 SIT Op Theme 1 0.2