SIT Operational Theme 2

SIT Operational Theme 2 - Security & Operational Choreography

The  Systems Integration Testing Advisory Group (SITAG) approved the  Systems Integration Testing (SIT) Operational Test Scenarios and Test Cases for Theme 2 : Security & Operational Choreography on Wednesday 17 July.

The Programme has reviewed all feedback and collated it in the Consolidated Comments Log below:

SIT Operational Test Scenarios & Test Cases Theme 2 Consolidated Comments Log

You can view the approved Test Scenarios and Test Cases (v0.2) in the library below. Please refer to the latest Release Note listing the changes made at the link below: 

SIT Operational Test Scenarios & Test Cases: Theme 2 Release Note: 3 July 2024

SIT Operational Test Scenarios & Test Cases: Theme 2 Release Note: 4 June 2024

If you have any questions, please email


SIT Operational Theme 2 Test Scenarios and Test Cases