Current PPIRs
Defect 43971 – Distribution Use of System (DUoS) Tariff ID
Please review the Programme Participant Information Request (PPIR) pack, published below, before submitting a response to this PPIR.
The three Options are detailed within the pack.
All Programme participants are requested to respond to this request for information.
The MHHS Programme has published a PPIR to obtain information from participants on the impacts to your organisation of proposed solutions.
PPIR Information Pack: Defect 43971 - DUoS Tariff ID
PPIR Form: Defect 43971 - DUoS Tariff ID
The REP-002a/b is failing to be loaded by Systems Integration Testing (SIT) participant SSEN*, via Durabill, as it contains duplicate DUoS Tariff IDs which are based on combinations of (DUoS Tariff ID/DUoS Tariff Energy Direction/DUoS Tariff Domestic Premise Indicator).
*BUUK and a number of other Independent Distribution Network Operators (IDNOs) are not affected as the C&C DUBS solution loads the REP-002a/b. There are participants outside of SIT that do not use Durabill or DUBS that may be impacted.
Durabill, used by all Distribution Network Operators (DNOs), expects a single DUoS Tariff ID within the REP-002a/b. When this error occurs within a file the whole file is rejected and DUoS Billing cannot proceed against any record within that file. This means that no REP-901s can be produced as they use this data and therefore Suppliers cannot be billed for DUoS. There is no “do nothing” option.
The Programme recognise that this issue introduces significant risk to DNO activities. If duplicate DUoS Tariff IDs are reported in REP-002a/b the file will not be ingested, and billing will not be possible. This issue applies to both SIT and Non-SIT participants.
This PPIR closes at 17:00 on Monday 3 February 2025.
If you have any questions about this PPIR, please email