Previous PPIRs
You can find information on closed PPIRs on this page, with the most recent one at the top.
For more information on PPIRs, please email
Smart Data Communications Company (DCC) MHHS Meter Data Retrievers (MDR) Onboarding PPIR
In conjunction with the Programme, the Smart DCC sought to understand and validate assumptions relating to the demand for onboarding new MHHS Meter Data Retrievers (MDR) into DCC for Systems Integration Testing (SIT) participants.
In light of this, all SIT Suppliers were required to submit a response.
Information is treated confidentially and will not be shared with any other organisation.
If you have any questions about this PPIR, please email the Smart DCC at
Qualification Wave Reallocation PPIR
Code Bodies wish to support participants wanting to move Qualification Wave in response to CR055 as much as possible, whilst also managing risk to the Programme delivery timelines and in particular M10.
For more details on this PPIR, which is now closed, please visit the Qualification Wave Reallocation PPIR page of this website.
If you have any questions about this PPIR, please email
PPIR in relation to 'Validation of Service Provider Change of Supplier (CoS) Appointment' prior to formal Change Request
Overview to the Validation of Service Provider Change of Agent (CoA) Appointment
Appointment messages are always triggered during a Change of Supplier (CoS). All Appointment messages need to be sent with an Appointment Scenario.
If during a Change of Supplier, the Appointment message is sent in with a “COS” scenario, but the COS has already happened (i.e. the date the Appointment message is processed by Registration Service is past Supply Start Date (SSD)), then under the current design, the Registration Service would reject the Appointment message. The Supplier would need to resubmit the Appointment message as a “CSP” scenario.
Suppliers normally submit Appointment messages in advance of the SSD and these messages are normally successfully processed and accepted by the Registration Service under the current design.
The below draft Change Request requested that the Registration Service changes their validation rules to accommodate the exception process where the Registration Service does not process the Appointment messages in advance of SSD. There are a few edge case scenario’s where this could happen as outlined in the draft Change Request the Large Supplier Constituency (LSC) have provided.
The below is taken from the draft Change Request issued by the LSC and should be used for information by Programme participants as they complete the PPIR.
What's the issue?
Service Provider appointments messages require that a Service Provider Appointment Scenario is provided as part of the Supplier Service Provider Appointment Request and subsequent appointment messages.
Following discussions at the Fast Track Implementation Group (FTIG) (agenda item - Obstacle D006 and DRG 16 both on 31 May 2024 – CR045: SSD Correction Tool), the Design team stated that:
“If you are the Supplier, either on or after the SSD, then it [the appointment scenario] will need to be CSP [change of service provider]”. This position is based on DIN-172: “Noticed IF-031 is missing validation to ensure on the CoS scenario the Supplier is the pending Supplier, not the current Supplier. The CoS scenario should only be used as part of a CoS process as validation may differ slightly from other scenario types. The current Supplier should instead use CSP or SEG as is appropriate.”
The proposed solution of this was: “Validation rules updated to better match App Scenario with Supplier/SP. Requesting flexibility on error messages”.
The Large Supplier Constituency does not agree with interpretation of the logic described above, as they believe it will result in an increase in exceptions, problems in reporting, impact to settlement and customer detriment due to the cost of implementing flawed logic. The present Design requires the appointment scenario to be changed if the appointment is processed late. This will cause rework for all parties. Such delays could be seen through system outages or through daily cut offs that could drive 'on time' appointments into late appointments.
If there is an outage similar to that experienced at Central Switching System (CSS) on 6 July 2023, this would result in the rejection and resubmission of all appointments. That would not be required if the change in logic described below was implemented.
What is the proposed change?
If no Service Provider is in place this cannot be a Change of Service Provider event. The fact that the request is being processed after SSD is not material.
If the Agent is being appointed from SSD (irrespective of the day it is being processed - pre or post SSD) then the IF031 with event code of CoS [Change of Supplier] should be valid. This is required to handle appointments which are processed late or a retrospective SSD change.
If there is an SP appointed by the current Supplier and the new SP is being appointed from any date other than the SSD, then it is a Change of Service Provider (CSP event).
Thank you to participants who submitted the PPIR form.
Following the PPIR closure, the Programme met with the raisers of this proposed change request, given that it didn't meet the change freeze criteria and therefore was not brought to Change Board. It has been logged as an On Hold Change Request for post M10 review.
If you have any questions about this PPIR, please email
Elexon PPIR: Data Transfer Network File Numbering during Transition
Elexon published this Programme Participant Information Request (PPIR) in collaboration with the Programme to obtain information from Programme participants to understand the potential implications of the proposed approach to Data Transfer Network (DTN) File Numbering during Transition.
Elexon doesn't expect Programme participants to currently validate run numbers as incremental across different settlement dates and the reason for the PPIR was to validate this.
Currently Elexon publishes Supplier Volume Allocation (SVA) Volume Allocation Runs (VAR) files via the DTN. This will continue as normal for settlement dates up to M10 Go-Live. After M10, processing of settlement dates will occur in the new Helix Volume Allocation Service (VAS) service regardless of Metering Point Administration Number (MPAN) migration status. Across both SVA VAR and VAS systems, run numbers will be included in the header of each file produced for settlement. This means that during Transition, run numbers for settlement dates pre- and post-M10 will not increment relative to each other. For example, SVA VAR may be at approximately 70,000 with VAS only at 100 within a single calendar day.
This PPIR has now closed. Thank you to all participants who provided feedback. Elexon has reviewed the responses and you can view further information about this on the Elexon: Updated Approach to DTN File Numbering during Transition page of this website.
If you have any questions please email
Example: Pre and Early Transition
Example: Mid and Late Transition
Following the recently completed Impact Assessment for CR045: Supply Start Date (SSD) Correction Tool, the Design Resolution Group produced a finalised solution design for the implementation of the change. You can view this document below:
CR045 Supply Start Date (SSD) Correction Tool - Finalised Solution Design v1.0
St Clements Services advised the Programme that it has capacity to deliver the required changes in January 2025.
A significant number of participants responded to the CR045 Impact Assessment, referencing an inability to deliver by M10, due to St Clements’ statement that they did not have capacity to deliver the changes ahead of M10, without impacting other critical deliverables. Participants were also unable to complete their assessment of whether they could implement the changes, before the solution design was finalised.
Therefore, the Programme wanted to understand participants' ability to implement the changes required as a result of CR045 before M10, or whether the Change Request should be handed over to the Code Bodies to be implemented post-M10, as part of the enduring change process.
Thank you to participants who submitted the PPIR form. This PPIR closed on 24 June 2024 and the Programme updated the Programme Steering Group on the implementation of this Change Request on Wednesday 3 July 2024.
If you have any questions about this PPIR, please email
Ofgem Cost Analysis PPIR
In April 2021, Ofgem published its decision that MHHS should be introduced, based on the Target Operating Model recommended by the Design Working Group.
Alongside this, Ofgem published a Final Impact Assessment (Final IA). The Final IA estimated quantified net benefits to GB energy consumers of £1.6bn to £4.5bn over the period 2021-45. The Final IA also noted that implementing MHHS (including third party access to HH consumption data) should deliver significant additional benefits that could not be quantified in advance arising from increased competition, innovation and consumer choice. As part of the Final IA, Ofgem sought to estimate the costs of implementing and operating under the new MHHS arrangements. The central cost estimate was £541.3m over the period 2021-2045.
Since 2022, the Cross-Code Advisory Group (CCAG), in conjunction with Programme participants, has been developing the detailed suite of modifications to the Balancing & Settlement Code (BSC), the Retail Energy Code (REC) and the Distribution Connection and Use of System Agreement (DCUSA) that will be necessary to introduce the new MHHS arrangements.
Later this year, Ofgem expects to use its Significant Code Review (SCR) powers to raise proposals to modify the BSC, REC and DCUSA. As part of that process, it will be necessary - as with any other important code change - to assess the impact of these code modification proposals. To reduce the burden on those responding later this year (in what are likely to be relatively short timescales directed by Ofgem), Ofgem has asked the Programme to seek information now from Programme participants on the costs for implementing and operating under the new MHHS arrangements.
To that end, Ofgem published a PPIR to obtain information from participants on the costs of implementing and operating under the new MHHS arrangements. This PPIR closed on Friday 5 July 2024.
For more information on this PPIR, please view the Guidance Document below:
If you have any questions about the content of this PPIR, please email
Following the recently completed Impact Assessment for Change Request CR044: Implementation of 'Data Refresh' Message IF-051, St Clements Services advised the Programme that it has capacity to deliver the required changes in January 2025.
A significant number of participants responded to the CR044 Impact Assessment, referencing an inability to deliver by M10, due to St Clements’ statement that they did not have capacity to deliver the changes ahead of M10, without impacting other critical deliverables.
Therefore, the Programme published a PPIR to understand whether participants can implement the changes required as a result of CR044 before M10, or whether the Change Request should be handed over to the Code Bodies to be implemented post-M10, as part of the enduring change process.
The Programme asked participants to complete the PPIR to indicate their ability to implement CR044 ahead of M10, based on the assumption that St Clements will be able to deliver the changes in January 2025.
Thank you to participants who submitted the PPIR form. The Programme updated the Programme Steering Group on the implementation of this Change Request on Wednesday 5 June 2024.
If you have any questions about this PPIR, please email the PMO team at
Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) for Agents PPIR
The Programme issued a PPIR to enable participants to access the Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) environment.
The SFTP is a network protocol for securely accessing, transferring and managing large files and sensitive data. The Programme has a SFTP service configured to transfer test data and migrate production data between the Programme and participants. The SFTP is a key dependency for Meter Equipment Managers (MEMs)/Meter Operators (MOPs) to carry out the data cleansing activities set out within the MHHS Data Cleanse Plan.
All MEMs/MOPs are obligated to complete the relevant activities from the Data Cleanse Plan under the Balancing and Settlement Code.
You can view the details of the activities that must be carried out in the Data Cleanse Plan, published on the Data Cleanse Plan page of this website.
The Programme emailed MEM/MOPs to determine whether an existing SFTP environment could used, or to alternatively set up a new one.
This PPIR has now closed.
If you have any questions, please email
Use of Meter Data Retrieval (MDR) Function PPIR: Supporting Assumptions for the Data Communications Company (DCC) Capacity Planning
The DCC reviewed its ongoing Demand Forecasting and Capacity Management processes and the MHHS Programme supported this review by issuing a PPIR.
The PPIR asked questions about anticipated behaviours for Energy Suppliers / Smart Data Service (SDS) providers relating to the collection of smart meter data. In particular, DCC wanted to understand how each Supplier-appointed SDS expects to operate either using Meter Data Retrieval (MDR) or not, and whether Suppliers will continue to collect smart meter data in addition to where they use MDRs.
The MHHS Target Operating Model (TOM) allows for several configurations for the use of SDS and MDR functions, which is also reflected in the MHHS business processes and Data Integration Platform (DIP) interfaces. The way that Suppliers set up and appoint the SDS/MDR Service providers within Registration Data has subsequent impacts for how data is collected for Smart Meters, via DCC, and therefore its Demand Forecasting and Capacity Management processes.
This optionality provides choices and decisions for each Energy Supplier (and their associated appointed SDS) in how they operate and deliver the service.
Understanding these decisions is important to help all industry participants successfully plan for service delivery and for DCC and the MHHS Programme to understand impact on capacity.
This PPIR closed on 19 March 2024.
If you have any questions about this PPIR, please contact
Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) vs. Clock Time PPIR
At the Design Resolution Group (DRG) meeting on 13 September 2023, the Design Team took an action to explore options around Service Appointment times and the impacts that they would have on MHHS Design, with the intention to recommend an option to the Design Advisory Group (DAG) on 8 November 2023.
Following direction from the DAG chair, the Design Team issued a PPIR to request participants’ input on Service Appointment Times.
The PPIR was issued via email on 16 October 2023 alongside a PowerPoint deck detailing the options and their design implications.
This consultation closed on 30 October 2023.
If you have any questions about this PPIR, please email the Design Team at
Migration Options PPIR
Thank you to everyone who participated in the MHHS PPIR.
The PPIR closed on 18 November 2022.
The Programme evaluated the quantitative information provided alongside the existing qualitative assessment to reach a recommendation on the best option to pursue.
Agreement was sought from the Programme Steering Group (PSG) on 7 December 2022 and the Migration Working Group (MWG) was informed of the agreed approach on 8 December 2022.
If you have any questions about this PPIR, please email